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I was very sad when Ethan left the next day. I am gonna miss him terribly but I also know that he have to get back. I can't forget that he too have his own life. It was so sweet of him to remove 2 days just to visit me. I think I will also go in winter break to surprise him. Now once I have seen him after so many years I just can't wait to meet him again. Don't get me wrong. I don't have a crush on him. In fact he's more like a brother to me and I don't know why Ashton was so angry when I didn't tell him that I have another friend other than jenny. It's not like my personal life is any of his business and I have to report my every friend to him. Thinking of Ashton, yesterday's events came to my mind and only one particular thing surprised me. No! It wasn't Ashton's hug but the way he held me like I would suddenly disappear and would never come back. He held me so tight like he feared if he'd let go I won't be there in front of him. As much as I hate to admit it, I loved the way his arms were wrapped around me.' Jeez Emma! When did you become all girly girl?' My inner me mocked me. I scowled inwardly but didn't say anything back.

I was a bit early when I reached the school. I was about to call jenny to ask her where she is when a large weight landed on my back. I staggered a bit but i was used to "Chatterbox's" this way of greeting.
1 2 3.. Here it goes...

" Hey Emma! I missed you. I have a lot to tell you. How are you? You didn't reply to any of my messages. " she said while pouting. I laughed and said , " First get off of me. " She got off me and then her face came into the view. I hugged her briefly while saying," Now this is called a proper hug. " She just waved my words off because for jenny everything is exaggerated. Like for her giving a hug would mean her jumping on the back of the person unexpectedly and with full force.

" Now tell me what are you so happy about that you can't even seem to wait until lunch and sorry for not replying. My cell was switched off and I just saw the messages after parking the car in the school. " i told her while walking towards our lockers. She was very happy today. Not that she's not usually but today her happiness was a bit more real like she was genuinely happy and not over some bored gossips.

" Yesterday when i got to the school, a boy came to me with a note in his hand. It was from Jake asking me to come and meet him in janitors closet during lunch as he wanted to apologize for his actions. So I went and you won't believe Emma what I saw. There was a table set in the middle with various types of food on it. From pizzas to Mcd's to Starbucks to pazztas to chocolates, pretty much everything. Then from behind Jake came asking for forgiveness and in impulse I hugged him. You know for the sweet gesture and all. You must have realized how happy I was seeing that you know such a foodie I am. Then we heartily ate and sort of became friends. Finished! " she took a deep breath as she was continuously talking without a break.

It took me a moment to process all the information and when it did, i was happy to see her happy and that's all matters. It's good that Jake apologized and jenny forgave him and it was equally good to know that they became friends. I told her this and she smiled gratefully at me.

" Jenny, jenny. " our talk was interrupted when someone shouted Jenny's name. We both turned our heads to see Jake with Ashton walking towards our direction. My breath caught in my throat when I saw Ashton. He was looking ridiculously hot today. Not that he's not everyday but today it seems he put a bit of an effort. ' Maybe for his next conquest' my inner me suggested while smiling deviously at me. I just ignored her because what Ashton do or doesn't is not my business. I might like him a bit but I am certainly not gonna admit it.' Well sweetheart, guess what ? You just did. ' my inner me told me sarcastically. This time I didn't ignore her,' Gth!' I told her while glaring at her.

They both came to a halt in front of us. Ashton was looking at me while I and jenny were looking at Jake. I wasn't surprised seeing him here as jenny recently told me that they were friends but it seemed a bit odd that a person like Jake actually cared to come and meet his new friend. I am not judging but I think I can see affection in his eyes that seems to be directed at my chatterbox. I knew it. He so likes her. That's why he's here. Why didn't I just think of that before. I don't know why but even though knowing Jake's reputation I am sure that he won't hurt jenny. Between Ashton and Jake, Jake is more decent while Ashton is bit reckless.

" Hey Jenny, hi Emma... I was wondering if you guys wanted to bunk and hangout with us ?" The question was directed to both of us but his eyes were on jenny. He looked hopefully at her and I can't help but say he looked adorable. I looked towards jenny to see her surprised by his request. Of course she is! She doesn't know that he likes her. Then she smiled and turned towards me silently asking my permission, I gave her a small smile back which answered her question.

" Yeah we'd love to." She told while beaming at Jake. Ok, now everyone who doesn't know jenny would probably think that she likes Jake too as she's showing so much enthusiasm but I know better. She's just hyper active! Before everything happened she might have liked him but I don't know whether she likes him or not now.

Ashton was gaping at me like he couldn't believe I would be ready to ditch school. Oh common! Yeah I am a nerd but that doesn't mean I don't enjoy hanging out and I was feeling a bit reckless today and also sad from Ethan's departure. I guess this is what I needed. To get out from this hell hole named school.

We stared walking out of the school. Jenny was talking animatedly with Jake while the latter just listened to her with a faint smile on his lips. Ashton was walking beside me. He turned his head towards me and said, " I didn't know you would easily agree to ditch school. I thought it would take a bit more of convincing to make you agree. " I simply shrugged in reply and said, " What can I say ? I was feeling a bit reckless today and besides I was also sad as Ethan went back. Hangout seemed like the best option. " he tensed hearing Ethan's name while his jaw clenched. " Do you like him or what that you are missing him so badly just after 2 hours of his departure ?"

I was surprised by his words and let out a light laugh which seemed to irritate him further much to my enjoyment. I decided to answer his question. " Are you kidding me? I don't just like him, I love him. " Ashton suddenly stopped and turned to face me. His lips set in a thin line and his face definition of stone. He was about to speak something when I held my hand up and silenced him. " Like a brother" I added the words to my sentence looking him straight in the eye.

He visibly relaxed, his jaw loosened and his lips held a smirk. Why did he relaxed hearing that I love Ethan as a brother. Wait!! Was he jealo- ! No! It couldn't possibly be. How can he be when he doesn't even like me. Just 2 days before I saw him with Ashley and the other day I heard a gossip that apparently he spent a night in girls house the previous day. So I don't see how he will be jealous. Maybe he's not well. Or maybe he's just bi- polar! Yeah that is the only reason I can come up with for his sudden change in the behavior.

I guess I was so lost in thoughts that I didn't realize that someone was calling to me until two warm hands touched my shoulders and began to shake me gently. I looked up to see Ashton looking at me with concern. Wait what? Concern? Ha more like how weird I am. " You okay? " he asked me. I just nodded and started walking out. He seemed disappointed of which I have no reason. Today I just want to push past all my worries and enjoy the day and I am just gonna do that.

Fun day, here I come...

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