Together.. 2

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Seeing Ash fussing over me was both entertaining and annoying. I know he feels guilty for my condition but he don't have anything to be guilty about. It wasn't his fault that I decided to save him.

" Em you shouldn't be standing. How many times do I have to say that to you? Whatever you need say to me and I'll get it." Ash said in a stern tone making me roll my eyes. He's been like this the entire time.

It's been five hours since I have been discharged from the hospital and he still hasn't left my side. I have also been feeling nervous about meeting Ash's parents. They both were pretty cool when I met them the first time Ash brought me to his house as his date. But I haven't met them as his girlfriend so I am nervous as to how they are gonna react.

Yeah I know, Ash must have told them about it but screw it- I am a girl. I have every right to be nervous.

" Em? " Ash's impatient voice brought me out of my thoughts and I groaned. " Ash I am fine. I can perfectly walk on my own to get myself a glass of water. " I told him.

" Oh so you needed water? You should have told me before. I'll get it to you. " saying he rushed downstairs to get me water while I just sat there looking at his disappearing form disbelievingly. Wth! Here I was saying that I can do my things on my own and he completely ignored it and only listened to the part where I said that I wanted water.

I shook my head slightly and a chuckle escaped my lips at his action. He came back with the glass of water and saw me chuckling. " Why are you laughing?" He asked while giving me the glass of water. I took and smiled at him gratefully. " Nothing. You are just so cute. " I said him while tapping on his nose.

" Em I will let you know that I am anything but cute. You can say me sexy, hot, handsome, incredible and any other manly adjective you could think of but cute. " he said arrogantly and I snorted at that. Guys and their ego!

I was so glad to hear that my parents weren't blaming Ash for any of the things that happened because it wasn't his fault at all. It was that Ashley's and her brother's fault. Speaking of them I forgot to ask what happened to them after I went unconscious.

" Hey Ash?" I called him and he looked at me curiously. " What happened to Ashley and her brother?" At my question his face turned cold. Anger was burning in his eyes and I understand why he was feeling like this.

In a cold tone be answered, " As the audio you recorded of them planning on hurting me was enough evidence , the school suspended Ashley for her contribution in the plan and she was arrested but her parents bailed her out and as for her brother, it's been discovered that he's mentally challenged which explains his actions and he'll be going to be treated first and then he'll be punished. "

I sighed. Then suddenly his face changed into anger which was directed at me ," Next time if you do something like this Em, I swear I am gonna go mad." I laughed and kissed him on the lips to which he responded eagerly.

There was a knock on door and we broke apart. " Come in " Ash shouted. I instantly sobered up seeing Ash's parents.

I was suddenly engulfed in a tight hug by Ash's mom. " Mom what are you doing? Don't hug her so tight. You might hurt her ribs. She's still weak. " Ash shrieked like a banshee which made all of us laugh out loud. When he realized how he spoke, his face turned pink and I laughed at the sight of that.

" Emma dear, are you okay?" Her mom asked me. " Yes Mrs. McRae I am perfectly fine." I answered politely. " Call me Gemma dear and we both are very thankful for what you have done. " she said genuinely. " Its nothing Gemma. I know Ash would have done the same for me and I would do it again in a heartbeat if it meant saving Ashton." I told her sincerely. A loud ' NO' made me jump on my place on the bed.

Even Gemma and Ash's dad were surprised. I looked at Ashton to see a furious expression on his face. " You won't do anything like that again Emma. I don't care what happens to me but I do care about what happens to you. So don't you dare do anything like that again. " he said in a firm tone and my eyes welled up in tears for the love I feel for the boy standing in front of me. Even Gemma sniffed and Ashton's dad had a proud look on his face.

After a lot of talking and laughing, Ashton's parents had to go because Ella- Ashton's little sister was at the daycare and was about to leave.They gave me their blessings before they left.There was once again a knock on the door.

This time mom, dad and Michael entered. " Do you need anything honey? " my mom asked and I told her 'no'. She hugged me goodnight and my dad kissed me on the cheek leaving me, Ashton and Michael in the room. Ash was staying with me tonight although I told him it is not necessary. He's one hell of a stubborn guy!

" Sis. " I looked at Michael at the sound of my name. " Yes sweetheart? " I asked him. He came and kissed my both cheeks and asked, " Are you okay? Mom and dad were saying that you are not okay. " Awww! He's so cute that I just want to eat him.

" I am fine baby bro. I love you. " I said and kissed his both cheeks. He blushed and said, " I love you too." and then he went out of the room leaving me and Ash alone.

I looked at Ashton to see him smiling at me. " You both are adorable. " he commented and I chuckled. He turned off the lights and got on the bed with me. This was the first time that he was sleeping with me and even then I didn't feel an ounce of awkwardness.

He spooned me from behind keeping his arms lightly on my waist as to not hurt me. " I am glad you are fine. " he said and I smiled. " I am glad I am okay too." I told him. " I love you Emma. " " I love you too Ashton. " and just like that no words were needed. We both understand how we both feel. I felt myself drifting off in a blissful sleep.

I know life is complicated but with Ashton and my friends by my side,I am sure we can go through anything. Life is not easy but then again what's the fun in living an easy life? So I just hope everything goes well from here and even if not, we'll find a way to make it better.

Happy days of my life, here I come...

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