What's Real And What's Not

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Hey there!

Here are some facts about my Fairytale book:

1. Hunter was supposed to be the happy ending because he is the 'soulmate' but at the midchapters I was enlightened that in real life, nothing is perfect... so, I thought of keeping her in the shaky waters which is beside Alec. Perfect is boring ya know.

2. There is no Alec in real life, he is just a product of my imagination. My ideal guy.

3. Hunter is real... he is on a TV channel somewhere ;-) and I know that he'll reach his dreams like right now haha

4. I had some dilemma of making some dramatic ending (Chasing the Knight) but I guess you guys have so much of drama so yeahhh... a paralyzed Alec is not a good ending... so much tears if ever. :P

5. The characters from He's My Prince Charming are mostly real... Sammy, Martha, Allison, Nate, Sofi, Macey, Malcolm, Jace, Louis... etc.

Belle Pearson-Hedley is super real and the awesome bff was with me since my first grade days. AzeinasWonderland thank you so much for always being there for when I needed a friend :) read her amazing plot, The Player and Me. ;)

- so there ya go! :)) nothing much to reveal anymore.

I hope you guys loved it. ;)

- lots of love, elayn

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