14: What Did He Say?!

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Chapter 14: What Did He Say?!

Song: Chris Jamison performance - Don't

There are times in my life that I keep thinking of why good things need to change like bad things do. My heart is heavy - like an anchor is tied, drowning me to the overflowing misery and pain that the world threw my way - , with all that was just said by the professional lady in white coat.

Gone. The last thing I heard as my ears cast out all the other noises in the white filled room and drove myself to a crying mess.

Why? Let me take you back after I heard the scream...

The black space became more soothing and my uneasiness faded at the fact that I have been in the dark world for quite some time. Why am I here? Why is it so freaking quiet? And why am I alone at the murky vast place?

I was shocked as a female voice shot out of nowhere, "Eri! What happened to you? I could've been there and help you... Promise me you'll wake up soon partner"

Rach. I looked around and squinted my eyes for her shadow but nothing came. I was still locked in this gruesome and cold room. "Rach" I sobbed at my helplessness.

A moment later there was another person to break the silence - deep with comfort, "Rach the doctor said she'll be alright. She'll wake up soon Rachel, have more faith in her"

My sobbing stopped. Then it hit me like a cold water. I was hit by a damn screeching car! Alec! What happen to him? Is he alright? Where is he?

"Luke!!! Where's Alec?" I tried yelling that maybe he'd hear me through the blindness I am currently fighting with.

A slight tug on my arm and a sudden warmth on my hand broke me from all the hysteria I have been doing.

My eyes slowly got tired and when I opened it, I was in the white room. My left hand has a cast, there's a needle throught my right knuckles. Good thing there isn't any oxygen tank to wake my paranoia back.

I shifted to see Rach sitting beside me. Luke on the other is standing beside her. There shot a pain on my ribs as I tried to sit up.

Luke had the impulse and placed a hand on my shoulders, "You have hit your ribs quite harshly" while Rach smiled with empathy and relief, "Are you doing alright? I mean, except for the cast and ribs. Do your head hurts?"

I chuckled but halt instantly because the shaking of my ribs aren't feeling like heaven. I opened my mouth to speak but my throat was dry and it hurts. "I'll go get you something to drink first" Luke looked at me with full concern and turned for the door.

The door shut with a small thud and Rach reached out to touch my cheek, leaving her other hand palm to palm with my right. So that's where the warmth came from earlier. She has dark circles underneath her dark eyes, maybe from both loss of sleep and crying. My New Yorker friend hugged me but careful enough not to hurt me and cleared her throat, "Eri you got us worried"

I gave her a thin smile and nodded, not trusting my voice to be smooth but rasped and sprained. The door flew ajar and in came the blonde beauty, "I told you she'll be up soon"

Rach stood up and chuckled at Kam, "You were so distant and coldhearted bitch"

"The doctor said it was just some bruises and some pain on the torso Rach. She wasn't hit, I know she'll be fine" Kam eyed me and smiled, "So when are you going back to work? Tati is worried but work is keeping her from visiting, that workaholic"

"She's on leave Kam, she can't even speak as of the moment and you talk about her job?" Rach shook her head at the mocking Kam.

I like these people, they don't make me feel less damaged and making the air as light as it can be.

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