Love will hold you

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Winnie sat opposite her father, glasses sitting over her eyes; hand nursing her head as she lent on her elbow. Staying up all night wasn't a good decision; her head pounding, as the sunlight threatened her eyes. Clay sat before her, a table between them. "You weren't home this morning, been out drinking?" The eyes, so similar to her own, were filled with concern.

Her head shook, a shaky breath falling from her lips. "No, met up with Opie." The blue widened, head bobbing at her answer. "Went out for some food."

"That why you seem to be on death's door? When I asked my daughter out for breakfast this morning; I didn't expect her to look like she's hungover." Winnie shrugged, not caring. "Something to do with your mom?"

Her mom... Teeth bit into red stained lips, brows peeking above the glasses frame. "No, probably just the change in location."

"You never could sleep those first few nights." Or the nights following. She'd kill for a good night's sleep, desperate to stare at something other than a wall. "Gemma used to make you that tea, would knock you right out."

"Still have the recipe?" Win joked, pulling off her glasses and dumping them to the table; the thought of waffles turning her stomach. "You still want me on the shop today? Haven't changed your mind?"

His head shook, fork digging at the stack of pancakes in front of him. "Course not, it'll be good to get you in the family business." Family business? "If you want, I'll have you trained in mechanics - get you on the floor, or you can do repos."

Winnie grimaced. "No offence dad, but that kind of thing, doesn't really interest me." Working in the shop was good enough for her.

His brow quirked up. "Then what does? What do you want to do? I'll arrange it." Her sweet Pops, thinking he could wave a wand and have everything at his beck and call. "I thought you went to university to study nursing, you need a gig at the hospital?"

"No!" She shouted too quickly, Clay sitting back for a moment as he stared at her. "No," Winnie uttered again, softer this time. "I don't think nursing is really for me, I just..." What did she want? "Think I need some time to figure things out here, you know."

Clay nodded, eyeing her. "Well, what about doing some of the art for the wraps?" Art for the wraps? "Graphic stuff - all on the computer." He explained, like it was nothing. "We've been buying them through this dealer, having them printed and wrapped here; maybe if you design them, it'll cut up the middle man, and encourage more customers if they know they can have any design they want."

Her lips pursed, brows furrowing slightly. "You really want me doing that?"

Didn't see why not. "Got a reason for me not to?" Her head shook, Clay satisfied. "Then it's settled; I'll speak to the boys at the shop, show you what kind of things to expect, and then we'll go on from there." Alright, Winnie thought. "Now finish your waffles, Gemma will worry." Winnie rolled her eyes, but finished them anyway before pushing the plate away; leaning back in her seat.

A cup of black coffee was nursed between tense fingers, clenching on the white ceramic as her foot tapped. "Something on your mind, kid?"

Her head shook, air blowing through her nose. "Not sure." A number of questions had surfaced; why Clay had never spoken about her to the guys, why they seemed surprised. She covered it easily with thinking it was pain; but she couldn't help but wonder if maybe he was ashamed. "You sure you want me hanging around the guys? You all seem so... close." Winnie muttered.

Milk and Honey.  ▸ Chibs Telford.Where stories live. Discover now