I don't know what living a balanced life feels like

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i don't know what living a balanced life feels like

when i am sad

i don't cry i pour

when i am happy

i don't smile i glow

when i am angry

i don't yell i burn

Page 101

Tension had been brewing in the club. Not like a small easily missable tension, but a tangible, all eyes flickering in confusion type of tension; between multiple members. They tried to keep her in the dark, but something was going on between Clay and Jax - an ugly kind of power struggle that was influencing everything else. And it wasn't just there, something was separating the club; Opie was throwing himself too into it, Jax was on the opposite side of that, and Piney? Piney was coming around less and less.

That was without the small brewing tension between Tig and Chibs. It had been an accident, a complete stumble that Winnie had absentmindedly sat on Tig's lap and let him feed her a piece of toast. She was half occupied by the paper in front of her, icy eyes too busy flitting across it to try and bother doing anything but accepting the bite that was raised to her.

Being just the two of them, she wrapped an arm around him and cuddled in. "What's going on today?" Tig asked, seeing the ice flit quickly, hand moving the pages.

Winnie shrugged, head turning slightly. The toast had been raised again, waiting for her to bite into the piece. She did, accepting it willingly. It was brown bread, and coated in avocado and hot sauce, something she hadn't expected Tig to eat. He didn't but she didn't need to know that. "Nothing much, just some building development being spoken about. A charity ball somewhere, and..." A brow rose. "A swingers party has been interrupted in Richie Heights."

His head cocked, a wide grin coming to his lips. "Swingers party, eh? No surprise those stiff women act like they've got a rod up their ass." Winnie smirked, rolling her eyes.

"Yes, I'm sure 70 year old Ed Mullen on the County Council could keep it up for that long." Tig shifted, something brushing her thigh. "That better not be what I think it is."

He grinned widely, pulling his head back slightly to feel the full effect of her glare. "Can't help it, Doll."

"Is there ever a time where you're not hard?" It was a simple question, one she had found the answer to every time she saw him. There was almost always something being sported; fully hard or semi, or the thoughts lingering around in that mind of his.

The door opened, the two lost in their own world of teasing. "Doll, when I'm around you it's always hard."

"You're disgusting." Winnie turned at the sound of a chair scraping, Chibs slumping himself down at the table. She didn't know how to feel about him, a week having passed since they last spoke - and even then it wasn't amicable. They had continued to butt heads since that night, Chibs' behaviour only growing more erratic. But she didn't want to hold grudges, not when those dark eyes still caused flutters. "Good morning."

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