I want to be full on my own

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i do not want to have you
to fill the empty parts of me
i want to be full on my own

i want to feel so complete
i could light a whole city

- Page 53

Winnie hadn't left his side since he'd been allowed visitors. Every hour since she stayed in that room, pulling herself into that cramped chair, and holding his hand like it was a lifeline. He'd almost gotten killed, was as good as dead when they'd rolled him in, and that was the hardest thing to hear. This was the best place for him, she knew that; with around the clock care, and having Tara watch out for him, he was in good hands. But that didn't mean Winnie wanted to leave.

It also gave her respite from the wash of hot sickness that flushed her at times; the overly sanitized scent of the air prevented anything from turning her stomach. She'd already thrown up this morning, sick with worry and stress. It made her tired, and anxious; especially with Chibs being hit on their own turf. T.M was no longer feeling safe, and the club could sense that.

This had stirred up all kinds of reactions in the club, and it wasn't surprising. She'd had Jax phone her after every inconvenience. Her phone was perched between her shoulder and cheek, frown lines building clearly on her forehead. "Jax, I don't know what you want me to do." She said softly, eyes darting to the sleeping Chibs. "If Clay's made his mind up, I can't change that. It's a club decision."

Her brother sighed heavily. "Winnie, he's going to murder Zobelle in cold blood, he doesn't care about consequences. If this lands the way I think it will, the club's going to end up inside. You've got to talk to them, try to get them to see that this isn't the way." She couldn't do that, it wasn't going to work. "Even Opie's for it, and he has kids; he's not thinking clearly."

And what do you suggest I say? Dad, don't kill Zobelle even though it's club law because I say so? That isn't going to go down well, and he'll know it's from you." She said, stressing her words. "Jax, this thing going on between you and Clay? You've got to sort it out between you, however that must be."

"I know we do, but this? This isn't about what's going on between me and Clay, this is for the benefit of the club." She knew that, and she didn't want to see any of the boys in jail; but two members had almost been killed by this one man's actions. "I think you should talk to Tig and Opie."

Win smiled slightly, shaking her head. "Opie doesn't want to listen to me anymore than he wants to listen to you. I've nagged him enough times about those kids that I think he tunes me out." As for Tig? There was a slight chance, but he was a stick up Clay's ass that listened to every command that came from his mouth. She couldn't even influence him if she dropped her top and flashed her tits. "I can talk to them, but it really won't make a difference. You're going to have to build your alliances with others instead, outsmart them if you can."

"That's it? That's your stance on this?" Jax asked.

"What do you want me to do? I'm not a member, I'm not an Old Lady. I am just your sister. I love you Jax, but this business? This is all on the club, and as much as I want to help, I can't change their minds." It was a hard truth to swallow, especially with how much Jax seemed to be relying on her. "Think of it this way, if this happened back before Abel, back when you were young and didn't have any responsibilities. What would your actions be?"

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