Episode 4

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"Aw mom I love this dress! Thank you for getting me this!" Genevieve said trying on the cute multi coloured dress out of the new wardrobe Molly bought her.

"I'm so glad it looks beautiful on you too! I think itd perfect to wear tonight for dinner with Mikes mom! Your other grandma you haven't met yet" Molly said smiling

"I hope she likes me" Genevieve said

"Oh Genevieve who could not like you!" Molly said

"Some people don't like me cuz I'm trans.." Genevieve said being meeting new people made her nervous

"If people don't love you as you are they just don't deserve you're amazing self in their lives." Molly said.

"Yeah I just want a family that fully accepts me" Genevieve said

"Yes of course, you deserve nothing less and I am more than determined to give you that!" Molly replied.

"Thanks no matter what to know I have your family and you and dad that's what matters" Genevieve said as they hugged

Molly then pats her back saying "alright you, go head out to the car. I'll be out in a sec." "Okay!" Genevieve said as Molly peeked in the mirror to reapply her lipstick.

In the car Molly then turns to mike. "Do you think you're mom will be supportive of her?"

"To be honest I'm not sure I'm kind of nervous about telling her is Genevieve okay with us disclosing?" Mike asked to be sure

"I mean I think so. She didn't seem to dislike the idea. She did say she was nervous though." Molly said while way overthinking it all.

"Ya it's understandable the amount of trans people who been murdered or jumped/beat up is scary high and I do worry about her in that way..but on the other hand my mom is gonna find out sooner or later likely.." Mike said

"That woman certainly has her ways that's for sure." Molly said annoyed.

"And that's worries me..I want her to love Genevieve as much as we do and see her for who she is! Remember how my mom wasn't fond of you at first and then learned to love you?" Mike explained

"Yeah I guess. But one snarky comment Mike, I'm gonna lose it!" Molly added aggressively.

"I don't blame ya she's made some super transphobic comments in the past im hoping this will open her mind what we'll do is just wait and tell her like after we eat so she can get to know Genevieve as she's seen" Mike said

"Yeah, okay." Molly replied.

"We're here!" Mike said as he tapped Genevieves knee who was listening to music in the back seat

"Really?! Already... uh okay" Genevieve said nervously.

"Hey! Well be okay!" Molly said taking her hand as they walked up to the doorstep

Genevieve squeezed Molly's hand as mike knocked on the door. "Hey Mikey!" Peggy said. Then turning "Molly..." Peggy says glaring. "Hey there, your Genevieve right?" Peggy asks.

"Yeah it's nice to meet you!" Genevieve said shaking her hand and smiled as she saw Jim. "And hello!! What's your name?" She cooed petting him

"Oh this is Jim, he nibbles on his keister so I'd steer clear of his mouth." Peggy replied.

"Dont all dogs chew their butt?" Genevieve joked

"Yeah but not like Jim, he chews till it's raw... like it's stuffed with peanut butter or something." Peggy adds. Genevieve couldn't help but laugh.

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