Episode 7

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"Man you sure are a big boy" Ally said to Willaim as she lifted him into his crib

"Mol!" She heard Mike say from the living room.

"What's up I'm Trying to help Genevieve do her Science project!?" Molly hollered

"Oh okay, never mind." Mike answered.

"You sure?" Molly asked

"Yeah, it's okay." Mike said sadly.

"He seems down momma what's going on?" Genevieve asked taking a break and sitting with Molly

"I don't know honey." Molly said

"Alright the little ones are in bed Mike you or Molly need me to do anything else before I go?" Ally asked approaching

"No I think we're okay, thanks tho." Mike said.

"Okay goodnight" ally said getting her jacket

"You have a good night Al!" Mike replied

"Oh ally before you go you want take home some of those cookies Genevieve and I made?" Molly offered

"Oh sure." Ally smiled.

Molly smiled and handed her a container

Ally turned and spotted a photo of what she thought looked like her father.

"Wait you know my dad.." she asked pale

"What?" Molly asked nervously.

Ally picked up the picture frame and pointed to Vince

"Oh, Vince. What about him?" Molly said pretending she didn't already know.

"That's my father.." ally said going pale

"What do you mean? Vince?... I'm so confused." Molly added

"Yeah Vince Maranto is my father.." ally said a little choked up

"No way! My mom is married to him." Molly said unsure what to say.

"Wait so that would mean you're my stepsister" ally said a little in shock sitting on the couch

"Uh... I guess so, yeah." Molly said.

"I thought you looked familiar." Molly smiled not realizing what's going through ally's head. Ally just curled up and started to cry

"Oh no, wait. What's wrong? You okay?" Molly asked.

"I'm sorry Molly I'm just rattled..he left me and my mom when I was really young..I just I don't know what to say to him I don't know what to do" ally cried

"Oh honey, I'm sure he has a logical reason. He's a really sweet guy and is always looking out for us. In these situations it is almost never what you think. I can help you if you want to talk to him... I'm sure he'd be happy to." Molly suggested.

"Ya know, he found your ad in a newspaper article and told us about it because we were looking for a nanny and I'm thinking this is why." Molly added.

"You did and You would do that?" Ally sniffed as Molly just held her hand

"Oh of course sweetie!" Molly said happily.

"Thank you" ally said hugging her "I'm just terrified of what he'll think of me being gay after what my mom said about it"

"Honey, he's going to love you. I truly think that's why he showed us your ad was to meet you. Also you do remember Genevieves trans right? And Vince loves her. I think he has even come to some of the pride parades with us." Molly added.

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