Episode 8

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"Oh man I can't believe Willaims first birthday is tomorrow!" Molly said

"I know right, Our little man is getting so big. Soon we're gonna have to start buying him condoms!" Mike joked

"Not funny" Molly said playfully slapping Mike's arm

"Alright I have Jacqueline all dressed in her pajamas" Ally said

"Thank you sweetie so you're able to arrive early to help me set up for Willaims birthday party?" Molly asked

"Yeah, I don't see why not." Ally smiled

"Thank you I'll see you at 6 then the party will start at 10" Molly said as she went to give her usual hug goodbye to ally as the two have grown close

"Bye love you!" Ally said smiling

"Love you too!" Molly said

"Goodnight Auntie ally!!" Genevieve said as she hugged ally next

"Goodnight sweetie see you tomorrow!" Ally said

"Awww man I love that girl!" Molly said smiling "Best thing to ever happened she's been so much help"

"Yeah I love that she trusts us so much and is practically family now and always says she loves us when taking off" Mike said

"Ya me too" Molly said

All of a sudden the doorbell rang

"Who could that be?" Mike asked

"I don't know let's go see" Molly said as they went downstairs

Molly opened the door to see Frannie with her baby girl in a stroller. "Hi Miss Flynn" She said smiling as her eyes got cloudy

"Oh my god! Frannie! What're you doing here?! Mike look who it is." Molly squealed

"Hi.." Frannie said again as they both were now crying and hugging

"Seriously, what're you doing here?!" Molly said excitedly

"My sister and I decided to move back to Chicago and I wanted to come surprise you being we just finally flew in for good and will celebrate little Amelias 1st birthday here" Frannie said

"Oh frannie awww my god! That's great!" Mike said finally coming over and hugging her next

"Aww Amelia I like it! So looks like she and our Willaim are exactly the same age! Oh she's so cute" Molly said bending over to look in the stroller

"You wanna hold her? You did almost adopt her" frannie said laughing

"Oh you know it. Come on in and meet my kids" Molly said as frannie handed her Amelia

"Awe, you're so precious!" Molly said in a baby voice

"She's so sweet" Mike said "How old?"

"Her 1st birthdays tomorrow" Frannie replied

"Awe she's getting so big!" Mike said

"Oh my goodness she has the same birthday as willaim!" Molly said

"This is our big man! And this is Jacqueline who Molly actually ended up finding out she was pregnant with the day we took willaim home" mike  said

"Oh my god Molly awww!" Frannie said as she held Jacqueline

"We actually have one more!" Molly said

"Wait what?" Frannie said wondering how many kids she actually had now

"Genevieve!!" Molly called

"Yeah?!" She yelled upstairs from her room.

"Come here I want you to meet a former student of mine!" Molly hollered "Genevieve used to be a student of mine as well" she said to frannie

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