Episode 6

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"So like this?" Genevieve asked Molly as she was showing her the math work she was trying out that she was being taught

"Yep, exactly. See look you got this!" Molly said proud.

William then toddled over to where his mom and sister were sitting on the couch tugging on Molly's sweater babbling non sense

"Hey buddy." Molly said smiling.

He cooed as Molly picked him up and sat him in her lap. "Oh man you're getting to be a big boy just like your daddy!" She chuckled

Genevieve giggled, "yeah he really does look a lot like dad."

"And yet he's also adopted" Molly said

"Exactly, that's why it's so weird." Genevieve laughed.

"Hey big boy?" Molly said giggling as she jerked her leg up and down as he laughed as he enjoyed being bounced

"Hey Genevieve, what time is it?" Molly said concerned.

"Noon why?" Genevieve said

"Okay, just wondering because your dad said he was going to take his lunch break from home today and he should've been home like 15 minutes ago."

"I'm sure he and uncle Carl got caught up with something" Genevieve said

"Yeah, maybe. I was just looking forward to it." Molly said frowning.

"Well we can have lunch together mom! I'm still here" Genevieve said

"I can't keep leaving Victoria to watch the babies all the time" Molly said

"Well we don't have to leave we can just eat here!" Genevieve said positively.

"Ya know Uber eats and skip the dishes exist Mol!" Victoria said

"That is actually a very good idea Victoria." Molly said surprised.

"This is great and I'm lucky to have you two I was just really looking forward to getting to have lunch with him and see each other outside of his long hours." She said sounding upset.

"You know you can always hire a nanny part time that way you can focus on educating Genevieve and having time with your husband" Victoria said

"I could but I still wouldn't have very much time with him because of his work schedule." Molly said frustrated.

"Aw Molly.." Victoria said sitting by them

It pained Victoria to see her sister so upset so she went into the other room and called mike. "Hey, mike." Victoria said.
"What's up, I'm at work right now is everything okay?" He asked.
"Well actually no, Molly is having a bit of a breakdown."
"Oh no! Is she okay? Oh my god, I forgot about our lunch! This is all my fault..." mike went on and Victoria cut him off "I think she just needs you right now for comfort. Of that means taking tomorrow off to be with her for a day I feel like now is the best time she doesn't look too good." Victoria explained.
"Okay, okay. I'm on my way home and I'll take tomorrow off." Mike said trying to be calm.
"Thank you!!!" Victoria yelled.

"Dad can get any day he wants off?" Genevieve said

"I have no idea but it sounds like he's going to make it happen." Victoria said happily.

"Aww he's too sweet" Molly said

"That man does literally everything for me and I wonder, how do I even deserve him?" She questioned.

"I wish Carl would do this once in a while" Victoria said

"Awe, Victoria... maybe he will notice Mike and do the same for you." Molly said.

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