chapter 10 - koi fish

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That cold breeze hit them soon enough, flowing through every single hair strand as well. Breathing in the fresh night air was like a lung detox for Kuroo, it was beautiful in his eyes.

"Why are you so happy? It's just air, you breathe it all the time," Kenma rolled his eyes and unlatched Kuroo's hand from his wrist and started shuffling forwards.

"Oh shut up stupid hair." Kuroo huffed and started to walk with him. "So, where are—Pinch!—we going..?"

"I don't know now.. ask the person who just left hospital even though they're a 'patient'." Kenma used his fingers as dialogue signs.

"Oh yes, you are such a nice person." Kuroo smacked him in the back of the head.

"Child abuse." Kenma whispered.

"Oh shut up Kenma!" Kuroo hollered, which followed by loud laughter.

Two young boys walking alone in the streets were having the time of their lives, even if one of them didn't show it, he still was enjoying it.

"Hey Kenma," Kuroo slid his hands into his pockets. "We should go somewhere cool."

"What do you mean cool?" His face went into a disgusted look, he was confused by the question.

"Oh come on!" Kuroo punched him in the shoulder, "You know what I'm talking about! Like somewhere to hang out, etc.!" Kuroo stared up at the sky, looking at each individual star.

"Meh." Kenma shrugged.

"Liar! Come on! We only have limited time until they find out I'm missing." He pouted. Kuroo kept pushing on him until he finally gave in.

"Follow me you big baby." Kenma rolled his eyes and picked up the pace. Kuroo speedwalked next to him in curiosity, a wide grin spread across his face.

Walking through the lit up city was like paradise, it was a beautiful web of lively people and shining bright lights. Many tents were up selling some random objects or delicious smelling food that sneaked into their noses. Kenma quickly walked past all the open stands, leaving Kuroo in confusion because this was the something he wanted to see. Once they left the streets of life, Kuroo found himself in an alleyway behind Kenma.

"Kenma.. Where the hell are we?" Kuroo whispered into his ear.

"You wanted to see something cool, right?" Kenma looked back, Kuroo nodded, "Then trust me." Kenma pushed Kuroo's face away and kept walking.

They slid through the close-fitting alleyways, Kuroo had no idea where or what was happening, was he going to get murdered?

"Kenma are you gonna murder me or some shit?" Kuroo slouched and kept close to the boy in front of him.

No answer.

Kuroo groaned and reached for Kenma's hand, slowly grabbing it, he held his hand. "So this is only to see how soft your hand is, I am totally not scared at all." Kuroo clutched onto Kenma's hand like a lost child.

"Whatever." Kenma huffed. As much as he hated physical touch and if anyone else were to do this, he would have immediately smacked them, but oddly enough, he gave no thought to his hand being intertwined with Kuroo's.

A couple more minutes of sneaking through empty alleyways, backdoors of random buildings, they finally reached the mysterious destination Kenma was leading him to. Kenma pointed down at a small crawl hole, slowly he crouched down and crawled through the sketchy hole in the wall.

"Kenma- are you serious?" Kuroo let Kenma's hand slowly slip out of his, he crouched down and looked through the small crawl hole. "What did I get myself into.." Kuroo mentally face palmed and got on his knees and started his way through the compacted space.

Soon enough, Kuroo found himself in a small courtyard. He looked around and saw the boy who led him here crouching over some pool of water. Kuroo was more than confused at this point, he got up off the ground and shook off the dirt from his knees. Kuroo walked over to Kenma and crouched next to him, making his knees pop. He looked into the small pond of water, koi fish, a pair of two beautiful colored fish. Their fins glided through the water, like a flowing dress of silk, majestic. One was pitch black, as dark as the night sky with no stars to light it up; the other was white with orange and black splotches all around it's scales.

"Woah.." Kuroo awed, he never knew only the sight of two fish could light up his eyes.

"Mesmerizing.. right?" Kenma smiled, his eyes lit up, reflecting off the pond of water. "It's calm here.. so I come here often," He turned his gaze to Kuroo.

"I would too.." Kuroo met his gaze with Kenma's. "Thank you."

Kenma smiled and turned his gaze back to the two koi fish swimming around. They looked like one, compatible, being together forever.

"I hope they get to swim together for eternity." Kenma held his knees tight.

"Me too." Kuroo looked at Kenma, concern filled his eyes, why is he so heartfelt about these fish?

This small courtyard that was overgrown with life held two beautiful souls, their water would always be reflected with the moon, looked over by the stars. Maybe they would, indeed, swim for eternity.

Just maybe.

As they walked back throughout the town, the scents of delicious food still filled the air, but both of them had no temptation to have any. They silently walked together back to the hospital, but they dared to go back in. Standing in front of the entrance, they looked up at all the windows.

"Want my phone number? It's the--Bitch!--least I could do for you taking me out tonight." Kuroo smiled gently.

"Least?" Kenma started chuckling, "Why would I want your phone number?"

Kuroo fell silent.

"I'm kidding.. Sorry Kuro," Kenma leaned his head on Kuroo's shoulder.

"Just because you're acting all cute and innocent doesn't mean you can be mean to me." Kuroo laughed and shoved Kenma away, Kenma smiled and pushed him back, "Weak!" Kuroo put his hands up.

"Bastard!" Kenma was infuriated but still laughing.

They both played around for some time, shoving each other, hitting each other, yelling at each other. It was soon midnight, the early day began with them laughing at each other, wishing this would last forever. Kenma smiled like it was his last, filled with pure joy. Kuroo, he finally felt like something wasn't pulling him back down into a pit of mousetraps, felt, as they would say, 'normal'.

Soon a nurse came out and told them that this was a hospital and they were being extremely loud, it was unacceptable. Kuroo told her he himself was a patient here and he was quickly pulled back into the clean smelling building, but luckily he gave Kenma his phone number before he was put back into the room, feeling isolated once again.

Kenma watched him waved goodbye, he watched Kuroo walk back in the doors of the hospital. Kenma felt a sudden emotional drop, quickly his smile dropped and his adrenaline discentagrated. Why does he have to be like this? Kenma lifted his phone out of his pocket and typed in the phone number Kuroo gave him, making the phone number a contact, he trusted Kuroo wouldn't have given him a fake number.

Kenma stood out in the cold air, his ears turned red from the freezing air.

"I guess it's time to go watch the heart monitor." Kenma looked at his feet, taking more steps back into the same hospital he would lose the person he cared for much and gain something he thought he would never have.


a/n: sorry it was short- but it was a sort of filler, so next chapter will prob be about his birthday or something like that. :)) (also did not spell check this, depending on google docs to support me lmaoo)

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