chapter 22 - dr. pepper

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a/n: PLEASEE I passed out asleep after I posted the last chapter. I was suppose to finish it and I just went dead asleep!


It was once again raining in the month of January. Was there anything such as pure happiness in this world at this point? Are you allowed to live without death around every corner? As for Kuroo and Kenma, that was a simple no.

One week pasted after Christmas, Kuroo's father died. Dr. Pepper; driving; car crashes. At least he had died drinking the thing he favored most.

That day had been a normal day, a normal rainy day of the boys watching a long movie. Misaki had even joined in the marathon of watching 'How To Train Your Dragon'. It was until a notification had shown up on Misaki's phone, it was a news report about a tragic crash of five cars on the highway, caused by a sliding semi-truck. It was the same highway Kuroo's father was taking that day, he had said he had to get something important that day.

The name of victims showed up. Misaki scrolled, scanning the names of the tragic souls. He was one of those tragic souls.

She dropped her phone, gasping for air. Holding her chest, tears spilled down her skin. Misaki looked at the two boys who were sitting up straight, concerned about Misakis sudden gasp.

"T, Tetsu.." Misaki held her hand to her mouth, standing up and wrapping her arms around Kuroo. She sobbed as she held Kuroo tightly. "He's d-dead.. your father.."


Kuroo stood over the grave sight, staring at the just buried coffin. The ground above it was rough, the rain turned the dirt into a darker brown. Kuroo's tears flowed down his cheeks, clutching the bundle of flowers.

"Fuck.. fuck," He cursed under his breath, wiping the tears that spilt down his face.

He was soaked, his suit drenched in the cloud's tears. Kenma stood next to him, he too drenched with the sadness of the clouds. Kuroo spazzed, whistling, stomping, anything that came to mind. He crouched down and hugged his head, letting the flowers fall onto the wet ground.

Kenma gulped and crouched next to him, he was speechless, did not how to handle such emotion coming from a loss. How did Kuroo do it? Comfort him from his mother's death? How was that possible for him to be such a kind person?

"Kuro.." Kenma whispered, tears also fell down his face.

"E—E—Everything is.. falling apart," Kuroo chocked out, stuttering to the brim. "Why me.. again? R.. Remind me, please?"

Kenma's breath hitched, "I don't know."

"," Kuroo cried.


Kuroo started to sob loudly, echoing through the plain of ground holding death. Kenma bit his lip, hearing him sob made himself cry even harder. Kenma hugged him as tight as he could, feeling the droplets of water mix with his own salty tears. Kuroo grasped Kenma back, screaming. His sobs were loud, choking on his own breath, crying like a little kid.

"It's not fair.." Kenma murmured, "Life.. hates us."

When minutes past, they heard the crunching of grass nearing them. Kenma looked up with his puffy eyes, Kuroo still having his head hang over his shoulder. Misaki approached them slowly, her eyes puffy and red, sad and empty as well.

"Boys.." She said, "I'm s-so sorry." Misaki fell to her knees, begging for them to forgive her. She had her head to ground, saying sorry after sorry.

Kenma stared in disbelief, what was the reason of saying sorry?

"It was my fault," She sobbed, "He was getting a stupid ass wedding ring for me.. he going to p-propose.." Misaki stumbled over the word propose.

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