If I Ever Were to Lose You (part 1)

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Hey...another angst chapter so good luck not cringing lol. This chapter was inspired by @GraceRockley 's comment, so thank you. Depending on how my schedule is this week, I might be able to post part 2 by this time next week but no promises.

Title is from Future Days, particularly the Last of Us pt 2 version

Also, the first part is practically stolen from palm Springs lol (really good movie and I highly recommend)

She Knew.

She Knew the moment she took the job in California.

She knew the moment she left store 1217.

She knew the moment she boarded the plane.

She knew the moment she started her first day.

She knew. She knew it was a mistake.

Yet, she denied it.

She repeatedly denied it.

Whether it was out of fear or not was unclear. But maybe it was for the best. She should be happy. A good job with great pay, Emma settled in well and Parker…well as a toddler, he didn’t really have much to say.

But she felt overwhelmed. She felt distracted.

And as much as she hated to admit it…

She felt trapped.

But Amy knew that life must go on. So, this feeling of being trapped?

Amy buried it down deep, continuing to paint a smile on her face each day, doing her job and parenting her kids.

What else could she do?


A late-night shift was the last thing she wanted that day. She would've rathered sit at home, glass of red wine in hand, watching some shitty rom-com from the 90's.

But she had a job to do, so she was going to do it.

Fill out paperwork, file that paperwork, repeat. It was a particularly slow day in corporate, but none the less, still frustrating. This seemingly endless cycle was indeed exhausting, her wrist tensing deeply and her fingers beginning to build calluses off of her tight grip on the pen, starting to sting ever so slightly.

Absentmindedly, Amy began to fidget with these calluses, her eyes fluttering to a squint, threatening to send her into deep sleep. She practically pried her eyes open, determined to not fall asleep at her desk, as she had done so many nights prior. Instead it hung over her head, this weight on her shoulders, each second it's mass growing.

In an instant, Amy's eyes were wide open, her phone vibrating on her desk violently.

It was Eric.


Her voice even sounded tired.

"Hey Ames. Ummm just wanted to let you know that Jonah is moving out of your place. He had been living there with some guy... Marcus I think... and he had a meltdown today. Some woman with an oddly high voice arrived at the store, working with jonah. After talking with her he just suddenly broke down in anger. I'm not really sure what happened. Just thought you would like to know."

Amy froze. There was a lot to unpack. So she broke down each blow individually.

Marcus White.

Jonah was LIVING with Marcus White. That alone made Amy well aware he was not okay.

Kelly was at the Store

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