Chapter 4

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Aria's POV

As the girls cried even harder I watched from the window, dressed in my all black outfit I looked down at the text I sent them, too bad that they had to go through this, and to think, I've been A the whole time.

I slipped and hit my head on the window.

"What was that?!" Hannah yelled.

"I don't know!" Emily said, with a scared tone in her voice.

I looked at them, I had only seconds to get away. I looked at the ground, I was at least 60 feet off the ground, Hannah had a large house. I made my decision, I had to jump. As I fell, I landed on my foot, it was definitely broken.

"It's A!" Spencer yelled.

*Hannah's POV*

"Well what are we waiting for!? Get 'em!" I yelled.

We ran downstairs, still in our pajamas and chased after them. As we got closer, A looked back at us. A strand of blackish-brown hair hung out from the hoodie. It stopped long enough for us to get a look at the face.

"Aria?!" We all yelled.

It or Aria ran away into the woods. We all turned around.

"Was that Aria? Or was it just my imagination?" Spencer said.

"That was definitely her." I answered her question.

"Then why are we going to her funeral in 3 hours?" Emily asked.

"We're going to find that out." Ali answered.

*3 hours later*

We walked into the church in our group, I turned around to face Mrs. Montgomery.

"I'm so sorry. We all loved Aria. Just know that we are always here for you Mrs. M."

"It's not your fault Hannah. Sometimes Aria was careless with her actions and didn't keep track of her thoughts and what was going around right around her. It was probably her downfall." Ella Montgomery said, tears in her eyes. She turned away and started sobbing.

"Spencer! What are we going to do? We know it isn't Aria in that casket! So why even be here?" I whispered carefully near Spencer's ear.

"I have a plan," Spencer whispered, motioning for the girls to come over, "Girls! Gather around. So, we know that isn't Aria in that casket. But, who is? What we need to do is figure out who A, or Aria drowned to fake her death."

"Who could it be?" Emily asked, quiet as a mouse.

"That's exactly what is was thinking," Spencer said and set her hands out, "So here's the deal. After the service, Hannah, you distract Ella and Byron. Ali, you try to get everyone away from the back room where the casket will be held. And as you two do that, Emily and I will be trying to look at the body, get a better glimpse at it."

"Got it." Ali and I responded at the same time.

"Okay then, let's get this show on the road!" Spencer exclaimed, a little too upbeat.

They all took their seats for the service.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2015 ⏰

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