Chapter 7 - Prophecy

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There is a prophecy of a saviour who saves a life at the expense of itself. The consequences will cause the saviour to become a mortal with no former memories.

The saviour will suffer emotional turmoil in this mortal form for the selflessness of another. It is foretold, the night of the full blue moon a child(s) will be conceived.

This child(s) will be born on the next full blue moon. An angel(s) of the second-order whose gift is knowledge, strength, and love; usually portrayed as a sweet innocent winged child(s).

A choice will be given and a choice must be precipitated. Will love conquer the prophecy of the saviour or will it be the saviours' downfall.


Anthony carried her to their bedchamber and led her to the bed. The contractions were getting stronger and closer together. Marie helped her out of her clothing and put on a nightgown.

Anthony yelled out and requested loudly, "Where's the midwife? We need her now!"

He walked over to the bed, looking at her helplessly. She took another contraction, which made her feel sick to her stomach. This was bad now, and it was going to get worse. Breathe in and out. Think about Anthony and curse him since it was his fault, too.

As the pain subsided, she looks back to Anthony. He was staring at her with such concern, as another contraction hit and she grabbed his hand hard and screamed, as this was more painful than the others. Breathe Pen, breath, she told herself. Breathing through it and Anthony showing her to take a breath in and out.

Anthony turned as the midwife entered and said to Penelope, "Let me check, your water must have broken a while ago?" stated the midwife. Penelope shook her head breathing hard as another contraction hit.

Marie grabbed Anthony's arm to remove him from the room but he just pulled his arm out of her grasp and said, "I'm not going anywhere" he said to Marie. He squeezed Penelope's hand and says, "I'm staying here with her and for our children," as he stared at Penelope.

"My father never left my mother when she gave birth to all eight of us and I'm not leaving our child," he stated.

Breathlessly she says, "He did this. He stays!" as she squeezes his hand tightly as another contraction hits.

The midwife says, "The heads out, push. I'm turning the child so the shoulders can come through," as the first child is born.

"It's a boy!" as she takes him you hear a cry. As she hands him to Marie, she turns to them and states thunderously, "Get ready for the next one," she states.

Ten minutes later the second baby has just been delivered. Another boy. Twins!

They tied the umbilical Cord and cut it and wrapped him up. Then you heard him cry. He is tiny just like his brother but healthy.

Penelope is so exhausted she collapses. The babies are wrapped in blankets and put in a crib. The ladies start to clean up the area and taking them out of the room and will return to finish cleaning Penelope. Once they leave the room, Penelope starts to moan again as if something is wrong.

He starts to call them back when he realizes that the air in the room is different. It feels just like when the saviour came to save his father. Nothing is moving except him, the boys in the crib. He looks around and that's when he sees an angel.

This time it's a female, with white wings and she looks like the elderly lady 'Rose'. I know her, he thought. She was the one that helped us find each other, helped me save her from her abductors, and now she is here again.

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