Part 3: Trysts and Feasts

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Emilia rolled her eyes while searching through her purse. "Nothing that won't pass in a few hours. It's just a little protection to keep me from getting my face eaten off, literally."

She pulled out a small metal tin. Emilia popped off the top before swirling her finger on the ointment and putting it on the bite.

"I had him lined up for a good shot." Jayden almost whined, pressing a button on his watch to make it stop glowing.

Paul gasped. "You were going to kill me?" He moved to try to get up but collapsed to the pavement. "What the fuck is this?"

Emilia put up the silver tin with a shrug. "Just a minor neurological agent specially crafted for vampiric metabolisms. It might have the subtlest hint of garlic and consecrated wood. Honestly, you were so much sexier when you weren't a big baby." She turned to Jayden. "You can start questioning him anytime now. We only have about 5 more minutes before his friends decide to join in on the snack." She pointed at herself and smirked.

Jayden swallowed before nodding. Emilia leaned against the wall and kept her eyes on the entrance to the alley. She did not like the nervous flash she saw in his eyes.

Paul started to laugh bitterly. "You two are idiots to mess with us."

"So this is a group effort." Emilia nodded, not turning to look at him.

"Who else is involved?" Jayden asked, playing with his watch.

Emilia looked over and smirked. Jayden currently hovered a few steps away from Paul as if afraid he could still get bit. Amateur, she mused to herself.

"Why would I tell you?" Paul hissed before a groan escaped his lips.

Emilia smirked and walked over to them. She squatted down to Paul's level and tilted her head. "You know. I could help you out here; a little vile of blood in my purse could clear out the agent in your system. All you have to do is talk."

Jayden shrugged. "That seems a little too nice for a guy the feeds on innocent girls in dark alleys. I have a few pellets that could end the conversation and his habits."

Paul looked between the two of them with narrowed eyes before spitting out blood-clotted spit.

"You two won't be able to stop it now." Paul hissed before coughing. "The preparations are almost complete."

"Then I guess I can't help you pass this out of your system quicker." Emilia shrugged and pulled out her guns. "And, we won't be doing this the nice way."

Paul's phone made a musical tone Emilia recognized as she stood back up.

"So you are using Bifrost." Jayden tilted his head. "Just like I thought."

Emilia raised an eyebrow at him, and Jayden blushed.

"I've been doing research," Jayden hissed.

Paul laughed and shook his head. "The families will take care of you. If they don't, he will."

Emilia's next question became swallowed on seeing two people turn into the alley. She looked up to meet Jayden's gaze. His hand went to his wrist, and she shook her head. There could be another way, but then Paul jumped towards her with fangs bared. Emilia let out a curse as Jayden shot a light pellet at Paul. The alley briefly shone with a warm illumination, followed by three curdling.

"You fuckin' idiot!" Emilia screamed. "Now they will activate the fuckin' council. All the covens are in Red Light. We need to move!"

"We need the mobiles!" Jayden yelled back while picking up Paul's phone.

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