Part 6: Tea and Rocks

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Benjamin sat on the couch with his ankle resting on his knee. He had perfected the ability to look relaxed while assessing the situation over the past year.

Sell out. Emilia thought with a bitter smirk.

She placed tea and biscuits on the table with a smile before sitting down in a chair that blocked his path to the kitchen. Her father hovered behind Benjamin to obstruct his way to the bedroom where Jayden rested.

"You have acclimated well," Benjamin noted, picking up his cup.

Her father snorted from the doorway. "She didn't have much choice."

"Nice to see you again too, Liam," Benjamin stated with a smirk. "Your wife wanted me to send her love. She said you would know what her love means."

Emilia rolled her eyes as one of her sloth slippers tapped the floor agitatedly. "What did you come here to say, Bennie boy?"

Benjamin laughed before taking a sip from his cup. "Cute, Emi. I would think you would be more afraid to see me here after the stunt you pulled last night."

A slow smile spread across her lips as Emilia leaned back in her chair. "I have no idea what you mean. I did nothing that is out of the rules and regulations of my current place of residence. The Guild doesn't extend here."

Liam snorted as Benjamin took a longer than necessary sip of his tea. A groan could be heard further down the hall, causing Liam to bang against the wall. Emilia shared a nervous glance with her father.

"I'll go check on him," Liam said to Emilia before walking away.

"He okay?" Benjamin whispered.

Emilia observed the flash of genuine concern on Benjamin's face before nodding. "Yeah, I made sure of it. He is just on concussion protocols now."

Benjamin pressed his lips together before placing his tea down. "Well, that takes care of one of the reasons they sent me here."

"My mother should know me better than to think I'd let a turning happen." Emilia almost laughed while averting her eyes into the coffee cup. "Are the pleasantries done now?"

Benjamin shifted slightly in his chair before leaning forward. "We are in a bit of pickle here, Emi. I am here to offer you a deal."

Emilia's phone buzzed on the table. They both glanced at it. She provided an apologetic smile laced with the tiniest hint of sarcasm while grabbing it. Crazy Rock Man flashed across the screen.

"Sorry, I need to take this." She turned her attention from Benjamin to the phone. "Hey, how are you?"

A male voice huffed on the other side. "I am downstairs. What's the code?"

Emilia mentally cursed her luck. Of course, they would have to be here at the same time. She glanced at Benjamin, who smirked while picking up his teacup. He was reading her.

"Let him in." Benjamin shrugged. "I think we all should have a nice chat."

"2456#," Emilia hissed into the phone. "Just come up to flat 27. The door is unlocked."

Emilie turned to the door and snapped her fingers, causing the click of an unlocking door to sound.

"Did you just unlock the door?" Jayden's voice sounded from the doorway.

Emilia sighed, refusing to look in the doorway. "It's an old trick."

"A bloody cool one!" Jayden yelled before muttering something to himself in pain.

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