Chapter Two

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"This season's great opening promises to be an eventful night, as both, the Prince and Viscount Bridgerton have confirmed their attendance. So mothers beware, two bachelors are on the hunt and your precious daughters might become the prey."

-Lady Whistledown's Society Papers
April 1814


Golden light shone through the massive windows of the manor, as Prince Edward neared. He was neatly dressed in a black suit of silky velvet that fit his torso snugly. He ran a hand over his freshly shaven chin, already missing the beard his mother had forced him to get rid of. At the age of nine-and-twenty, Edward felt like a schoolboy without it and he wasn't enjoying it particularly much. He took a deep breath then made his way to the entrance. The door was immediately answered by a stern-looking servant who had clearly watched him approach the manor. He quickly bowed and Edward nodded at the submissive gesture. The ballroom was bursting with high-society members, drinking and conversing with another. In the middle was the dancefloor where multiple young couples circled another gracefully to the soft tune of a string orchestra. Expensive stitching glistened in the light of a thousand candles. It was a beautiful sight and Edward felt himself to be in his element. The Prince loved to dance and had spent many nights doing just that in his youth, a variation of charming ladies accompanying him. He had been called a ladies man for his escapades and although far away from the truth, he had taken joy in being desirable. As soon as the first mother had spotted the Prince, a crowd of debutantes formed around him. "May I introduce you to my daughter Cressida", a blonde woman came straight to the point. " You have to dance with my daughter Feline", another demanded with a big smile. Daughter after daughter was presented to him, each one more stunning than the one before. Edward smiled politely, complimented dresses and hairdos while the girl's shy giggles flowed through the airs. His mother would be proud if she could see him now, he thought. But surely Lady Whistledown would inform her about his proper behavior in the next issue. He'd just read the one about his arrival while enjoying his breakfast in the quietness of his apartment and had taken great pleasure in it. "This is my daughter Edwina, your highness.", was he finally introduced to this season's brightest star. She was a petite girl with big blue eyes and dark hair, slightly too young to be out in society just yet and instantly adjusting her gaze shyly downwards like it was required for a proper lady talking to a man of higher class. " It's my pleasure to meet you, Miss Sheffield. ", he bowed slightly, making her blush a pretty shade of pink. As he looked up at her again, he caught the glaring dark gaze of a man standing on the other side of the dancefloor. He was tall with nicely combed dark hair and handsome features. The way he held himself so effortlessly graceful and the dark, almost animalistic hint in his eyes piqued the Prince's interest. That was the first time he laid eyes on the perfect human being that was Anthony Bridgerton. Knowing this man was watching his interaction with miss Sheffield made a shiver run down his spine. Edward just had to speak to him. Immediately. But with all eyes on him, he knew better than to just stride towards the gentleman without even knowing his name. So his gaze wandered to the young woman next to him. She was pretty with a face every artist would like to paint into a masterpiece. The tone of her light-blue dress fitted her pale complexion perfectly, making her a true English rose. But was stood out to Edward the most, was her visible distaste for the event. Her entire posture looked rather uncomfortable. She was the key to her gorgeous attendant who looked like he could be her older brother. "May I have a dance later this evening?", he politely asked miss Sheffield, who nodded and held out her dance card for him to sign. " I'm looking forwards to it.", he announced with a smile. "May you excuse me.." She nodded again and he ambled over the dancefloor, eyes fixed on the handsome man. As Edward came closer and caught his gaze again, he could make out the dark eyelashes framing his eyes like an exquisite painting and the soft curls trying to defy the man's styling affords. There was no other word for it, he was just marvelous. He stopped at an appropriate distance looking right into the wide pale-blue eyes of Eloise Bridgerton.


Eloise gulped as none other than the Prince of England approached her. Just like her mother had mentioned, he was a fine man to look at, dressed tastefully and smiling kindly. "May I ask for this dance miss...", he asked and bowed in front of her as if she was the Princess. " Bridgerton.", her brother came to her aid, glaring at the Prince with suspicion. The Prince smoothly turned to him. "Than you must be the Viscount. I've heard we're opponents", he chuckled lightly, his voice dark and smooth like a winter's night. "Be sure I'm not planning on interfering with your plans, your highness.", Anthony answered in an attempt to be polite, but there was a sharpness in his tone that was undeniable. "I'm sure we will get along just splendidly", the Prince responded, amused by the man's conduction. Then he turned back to Eloise, whose heart was thumping in her chest nervously. She hadn't planned to dance tonight, above all not with the Prince of England. " Please", he added towards her. She gulped again, then answered: "Of course, your highness" Like a true gentleman, he offered an arm and she linked hers with it. Together they entered the dancefloor. All eyes on them, they began to spin to the music with Eloise trying hard to let the man lead her. " You're a wonderful dancer", he complimented her. "You're too kind, my highness." For the first time in her life, Eloise was grateful for her mother's training. Without it, she would not have known what to answer. But in the end, she was Eloise Bridgerton and so she added: "May I ask why you choose me for your first dance?" The Prince chuckled fondly at her bluntness, having taken a liking to the unusual young woman. He leaned forward, whispering in her ear: "I saw you with the Viscount looking rather uncomfortable. I had to save you from boredom." Eloise laughed, having not expected such a response from a royal highness. She spotted her mother in the crowd, smiling at her proudly. "My mother certainly is delighted ", she told Edward. " It is my pleasure, miss Bridgerton, but I hope you find it in yourself to enjoy this dance as well." " I'm at least not bored anymore".she grinned and as he spun her around and a true smile spread across her pretty face, making her eyes glow. She couldn't remember when she actually enjoyed a ball before, maybe the one he was chatting away with Penelope in the farthest corner of the house. But this one, this one was different. Prince Edward was not looking at her weirdly, pressing her into awkward conversations not coming to close. This, she was certain, could be the beginning of a great friendship. When the dance ended, he asked for another and Eloise gladly accept, feeling that she was in good hands. She could feel the gazes of her family members on her, filled with expectations. Heavy-hearted, she was now the one leaning in: " I may have to inform you, that I have no intentions to marry this season." She said it with the pride of a true Bridgerton, the most unladylike behavior someone could think of. But Edward was showing no sign of shock at her statement. He just swayed her to the tune like he'd before, then spoke: "And so have I. But I would love to dance with you again, miss Bridgerton as I hope we could become friends" Eloise gawked at him for a moment, then the smile returned onto her face. "You want to flee the lovely debutantes and their mothers, don't you?" " Your a bright young woman, miss Bridgerton.", he remarked" Eloise. Please call me Eloise." "Then I insist on you calling me Edward, Eloise"

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