Chapter Four

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"As it was brought to my humble attention, your highness the Prince of England has left Miss Eloise Bridgerton an impressive gift of specially imported french roses along with an informal invitation for Lord Bridgerton to join him for a week-long hunt taking place at one of the royal grandiose hunting lodges near London. Perhaps the two gentlemen have more to discuss concerning a potential proposal? But until then, prepare for tonight's event, my dear mothers. It might be your daughter's last chance to seize a dance with the prince ."

- Lady Whistledown's Society Papers April 1814


Anthony Bridgerton was more than confused why the Prince of England had chosen to befriend him out of all gentlemen. The only logical explanation came in the form of the news issue of Lady Whistledown's, read out aloud by his dear mother. "A potential proposal!" Violet Bridgerton's voice echoed through the air in all its proud glory, all the servant's ears perking up at the statement. "That would be far too early in the season, mother," Eloise voiced her doubts from the sofa, where she was currently laying, a leather-bound book in her hands.

" The prince has a reputation for being unconventional," Daphne pointed out from the piano. As soon as she was informed about her sister's marriage ambitions, the oldest Bridgerton daughter, now duchess of Hastings, had rushed home to provide moral support and marriage advice. Not that Eloise would need any of that. She was still not intending to marry. And her big brother knee that as well. "Well, mother, I promised to never interfere with my sisters' love life's ever again. Eloise has to decide for herself, and I will support whatever decision she will make.", he voiced over the hem of Lady Whistledowns, still caught up in the other news of the day." Of course, she will say yes! He's the prince of England! Eloise could become queen one day. "

"I don't want to become queen. I want peace and quiet to finish my book! ", Elois contradicted quickly.  "Oh, Eloise, don't be ridiculous!" Daphne playfully scolded her younger sister. "Of course, you want to become queen. Because he would be your king." Eloise huffed. She was deeply annoyed by how her family just didn't seem to understand that she would never voluntarily give any man her hand in marriage. Future King or not just didn't matter to her. She was perfectly fine with becoming a spinster. In fact, she couldn't imagine a better life than that. 

She, on her behalf, just couldn't understand why someone would give up her freedom to serve her husband and children. In a final effort to escape being the person of interest, Eloise looked at her oldest brother again. "And you, why are you even going on that hunting trip? Didn't you plan to find yourself a proper bride this season?" Anthony glared at her, then because Violet and Daphne practically jumped on him. "When did you plan to pay Miss Sheffield a courtesy visit?" his mother asked noisily. "I thought it would be suitable to wait until I actually danced with her at the next ball, mother.", the Lord answered, hiding even more behind his newspaper. "That shall be tomorrow.", Violet chirped happily.  She could already see two of her children being married off by the end of the year. And Eloise, as well as her brother, hated it. 


At his bachelor's apartment, Prince Edward stood in front of his mirror, watching his favorite tailor fit his suit for tomorrow's event. It was of dark green colour that suited his eyes and as velvety soft as he liked it best. It framed his figure perfectly and was just the right choice to impress. Not the ladies but Lord Bridgerton, who had moved into his brain with his ridiculous attractive face and figure. A man to desire and oh how much Edward desired to run his fingers through those luscious locks.

" Did you read the last Whistledown?", Jacques, the tailor ask, looking up at the prince expectingly. They had become great friends over the years and as long as the two of them were in private, he was allowed and very much welcome to speak his mind. "I didn't have the pleasure.", Edward answered. He liked to overview the latest gossip, so his interest was piqued. " She is currently speculating about you proposing to miss Bridgerton.",Jaques chuckled. He knew about Edward's grand secret and even shared it. They had even been lovers for a extraordinary short period of time but had discovered after a while that sharing a friendship rather than a bed was much more fitting.

"Does she? That is highly amusing", the prince responded with a petite smile. " She only writes what London is thinking",Jaques shrugged his slender shoulders. "And you did send her flowers." "Every women deserves flowers.", Edward said, taking of the jacket that was now marked to his measurements. " She is a proper young lady.Don't play with her heart.". The tailor looked at his prince with warning eyes."I won't.But I can't make any promises regarding her brother.", Edward winked at him. He stepped from the tailoring podium with grace. "You really fancy that Lord,don't you?", Jacques chuckled once more, gathering his tools while sending the prince an amused glance.

"He is who Shakespeare would have written sonnets about. Dark and mysterious, handsome and..." "Out of your highnesses reach.", Jacques concluded his sentence. " There's hardly any man of noble blood who would risk getting caught in our way of life.You have to be careful."  Edward laughed out loud. "Don't you think I am painfully aware of that? But Jacques, I already invited him to a private hunt. And be assured, I am a gentleman and I won't besiege Mister Bridgerton in any way he doesn't want me to."

Edward seated himself on his favorite armchair and reached for the drink that was already waiting on top of the books he had stacked beside it. 'Romeo and Juliet' or 'Pride and Prejudice' was written in cursive, golden letters on them. A selection of his favorite works and source of priceless inspiration while being testimony of Edward's romantic soul. And as such, his mind was already wandering off to Anthony Bridgerton again.

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