Chapter Seven

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Oh, what would I give to play mouse at the Prince's hunting lodge! Every young lad would sell a hand to be in Lord Bridgerton's shoes. What a shame that he is the only companion for the annual hunt. But some things are meant to remain private, and a potential proposal is definitely one of them. The only thing left for me to do is to enjoy a cup of tea and hope that a bit of bird will find its way to my window. Tally-ho!

- Lady Whistledown's Society Papers April 1814


The air was crisp and clean as Anthony Bridgerton stood in front of Edward's hunting lodge. He had just left the royal carriage, and a butler was busying himself with his luggage. Not that he brought much, just the usual that was regarded as proper for spending the night somewhere else. His hunting set was part of that as well as his riding attire. Apart from the butler, no peasants were to be seen; no one was waiting for him. For a Prince, this was fairly odd. Suddenly, the grand entrance was opened, and none other than Prince Edward himself stepped outside. He was dressed casually, with no vest or jacket covering his white dressing shirt.
"Bridgerton. You're early!" he called out with a dazzlingly bright smile on his lips. Anthony was a bit startled by the unsuitable welcome. "My apologies." Anthony bowed his head slightly at the Prince. "There is nothing to apologise for. Be my guest, have a drink! I was looking forward to your arrival.", the other man waved him in.

Anthony followed Edward through the empty but richly decorated halls. His first impression was correct; there was no personnel around. The Prince was living on his own but was not in the slightest miserable. In the study where he was led to was already a set of scotch glasses waiting, a fire was sizzling in the fireplace, and comfortable leather couches invited him to take a seat. The walls were covered in bookcases and maps, rolls of parchment were littered around. Anthony instantly liked this room that was so similar to a gentlemen's club. "Please sit", the prince emphasised, his hands elegantly gesturing towards the nearest couch. Anthony did as told, his gaze still taking in his marvellous surroundings. Edward disappeared for a moment, and as he returned, he was finally appropriately dressed and holding the scotch glasses. He handed on to the Lord, then seated himself opposite him, leading his own glass to his lips. "I reckon you have expected something more traditional", he chuckled lightly at the Lord. "My expectations are not of importance as it is an honour to follow your invitation." Anthony bowed his head lightly, swiftly using the tongue his mother had taught him. To his surprise, Edward laughed out loud at his statement, startling the Viscount strongly. He watched as the prince's eyes twinkled in delight while looking into his puzzled ones. "You're always so bloody polite, Bridgerton. You've truly mastered talking while saying nothing at all." Edward chuckled, the scandalous speech making Anthony raise an eyebrow. " And please, don't give me any more of that bollocks. I would appreciate you speaking from your heart, not your upbringing." The eyebrow rose even higher, and Anthony was indeed in aw. With a smirk, Edward took another sip of his scotch. "Did I shock you, dear Viscount?" "It was certainly not what I had expected.", the Lord answered truthfully, then emptied his glass in a single gulp. "I expected you to ask for my sister's hand in marriage and a rather boring hunt."


Edward's gaze flickered from the Viscount's hands to his lips and up to his dark eyes. Speaking his mind was an intriguing experience that certainly had effects on his body that would not be regarded as suitable. Anthony Bridgerton was just a beautiful, mysterious puzzle Edward longed to solve. And to do so, he needed to get that nasty rumour out of his way. "I do not plan to propose to Eloise. I adore her, she is a marvellous young lady with a rebellious mind, but I do not intend to marry her. Not her, not anyone else, ever. And as I strongly feel, your sister would never find happiness in a marriage with me.", he said sternly, leaning forward in his seat, locking his gaze with Anthony's.

" Funny enough, that's just what I said until last year. " the Lord huffed and rose to his feet. Edward's gaze followed him as he strutted over, shortly returning with the liquor bottle in his hands.

"I know it is a rather unrealistic fantasy I am living, but as long as my mother let me have it, I'll be enjoying the life of a bachelor." Edward emphasised and let Anthony fill his glass again. "But as for the hunt... I'm afraid there will be no one joining us. Unfortunately, it is just us.", he added, suppressing the urge to wink at the Lord. Anthony looked at him plainly. "After we finish this excellent bottle, it might be of use to have less potential moving targets around." With that, he engulfed in another sip of expensive scotch.

"So you're here for my fine drinks", Edward could not help himself mocking the other man with a grin. "I am here because you are the prince of England." Anthony shrugged in response. His words were like a knife stabbing into Edward's heart. He foreshadowed a conversation like this, and he had both feared and anticipated Anthony's honestly, but hearing how this was the man's only intention pained him as he had honestly hoped he had made an equally massive impact on Bridgerton's thoughts as he had with him.
Regardless, this did not mean he was giving up on himself; it was more the complete opposite. Anthony Bridgerton was a man to be romanced, and Edward fiercely intended on doing so, making the Viscount share his feelings or even fall in love. Therefore, Edward just had to find the proper technique. And when his search actually needed him to go onto that hunt, a sport he despised with all his heart, it shall happen.

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