Chapter Five

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"Oh, how we love the ball season, and this year is showing itself to be an especially eventful one. The Prince of England has announced his presence at tonight's event and, might I add, has not proposed to Miss Bridgerton yet. Perhaps this is part of a strategy to assure real intentions. Or it is simply your chance to slide in and take the prize yourself before the Prince takes off on his hunting spree with Lord
Bridgerton. Who doesn't want to be a princess? This writer remains curious and will be closely observing what this night might bring... "

- Lady Whistledown's Society Papers April 1814


" How many times do I have to repeat myself? I don't want to become a princess, and I don't want to please the prince's eye! "the voice of Eloise Bridgerton echoed through the house as her older sister Daphne helped her into her evening gown. The young woman had laced the corset extra tightly so that her sister's figure was presented in its most flattering angle. Eloise hated it. She hated how the corset itched around her breast and how her mother had bought her a new, expensive dress of satin, and she hated the most that her whole family wanted her to marry the prince. They were all acting strange, pampering her to look her best and showering her with the advice she would never need. Oh, how she hoped for this ball season to be finally over!

"Girls, we'll have to leaf in half an hour sharp!" her mother called from downstairs, where her brothers were already waiting. "Give him a chance at least", Daphne chirped softly as he placed one of her most exquisite necklaces around her sister's pale neck. "I don't think he wants to marry me either." Eloise shook her head violently. "He would be a fool for not noticing your kind soul.", Daphne chuckled. Her sister was convinced the Duchess was taking her resentment for nervousness. But that wasn't it. Eloise just never had feelings in a way that would fit a marriage. Not for the Prince or anyone else.

She wanted to study; nothing could give her the excitement that parchment under her fingers could provide. And she was convinced that no man could ever offer her anything comparable. So she wasn't nervous when Daphne led her down the stairs into the main entrance. She was anxious. Anxious of the knowledge that one day, she had most likely to settle for a life she simply didn't want.

As her eyes met her brother's, she knew that he was feeling a similar sensation. Hopefully, Lady Whistledown and her mother remained in the wrong, and Edward wouldn't ask Anthony for her hand in marriage. She would have to decline. "At least a dance", Daphne reminded her as they entered the carriage. "One last dance.", Eloise muttered. As much as he would have liked to be just friends with Edward, it was just a matter of time before society would force them into a relationship, neither of them wanted.


At the ball, Anthony could feel his sister fidget next to him as soon as she caught sight of the Prince entering the ball. He was instantly crowded by young ladies and their mothers again, and Anthony couldn't help but feel a slight sting of jealousy that he didn't had the same effect on them. Edward had stolen his prime spot for this season as the most eligible bachelor. Without him, finding himself a suitable wife would be much easier.

And much to his dismay, the man didn't appreciate this circumstance a single bit. He was already darting towards the two Bridgertons, a coy smile on his lips, the green of his suit matching the colour of his eyes perfectly. How was he supposed to compete with that? "Good evening", the Prince greeted them with a slight bow of his head, a gesture the Bridgertons politely mirrored. "A pleasure to see Lord Bridgerton, Miss Bridgerton." "It's an honour, your highness.", Anthony replied, and the Prince's smile got wider accompanied by a light chuckle: "I thought we agreed to drop the title" "I could never, your highness", Anthony shook his head. He would like to contain the distance the title of nobility created between them.

Edward eyed him, amusement glistening in his eyes. Then he turned his attention to Eloise, kissing her hand like a true gentleman. "You look ravishing as usual." he complimented the light blue dress with the silvery embroidery that made roses entwine themselves over the fabric. Eloise blushed a trend that made Anthony frown. He had been prepared to keep her unwelcome suitor away, but she didn't look like she needed this help at all. "I am looking forward to our trip, Bridgerton." Edward smiled at Anthony again, the intensity in his gaze making the man slightly uncomfortable. "It's an honour", Anthony replied again.

Edward's smile turned more into a smirk, a sight that indeed was popular among the Ladies but only made the Lord tense in his spot. "We'll have to work on your Stiffness, my Lord. A hunt is only fun with the right attitude." the Prince almost purred, and Anthony eyed him strangely. He was always surprised at how unconventional the man was for a royal highness. Maybe the time abroad was speaking out of him. Anthony himself had thought about living his bachelor life somewhere outside of England. But he was the family man and responsible for his mother and sisters. He could never leave them behind for such foolishness. Still, he envied the other man.

On his shoulders laid a high responsibility as well, with his older sister dying and his father's mental state declining. Yet, he had managed to free himself for at least a while. Maybe he should try to copy that spirit. Edward's burning gaze turned to Eloise again. "I hope I'll can convince you for a dance later this evening." "Of course.", his sister answered with a small smile.
"Until then", the prince bowed again, then he moved on towards a blonde Ladie that had already been waiting for his attention. "Excuse me, I'll have to get some air.", his sister told Anthony, and without waiting for a reply, she was gone too. Now he was left alone, standing there to watch the pairs slide across the dancefloor, his gaze searching for Miss Sheffield, who was not to be found.

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