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Sophia's POV

Colby's request echoed through my head.

"Um...About what?" I asked, my sushi threatening to make a reappearance all over the both of us.

"Just wanted to see how you were doing, that's all," He said.

"I'm...I'm good, yeah." I said.

"So...A birthday trip huh? I saw Jake's story," He said.

My head automatically hung. I felt terrible for not wanting him to come.

"Oh, yeah, you're totally invited if you want to come. We're going to Florida," I said hesitantly.

"That's cool, I think I'm going to hang back here though. I've been thinking about visiting my family back in Kansas so I might go surprise them while you guys are gone," He said.

"Sounds like fun," I said.

I couldn't tell if I was sad he declined or if it was for the better.

"Yep," He said.

"Well, I promised Isabel we would film something, see you around?" I asked.

"My room is practically right next to yours, I'll see you later," He laughed.

I nodded and scurried off like a shy puppy. Every time I talked to him, every memory came flooding back.

"Soph! Just in time. Want to book this trip?" Isabel asked me, everyone strewn around the lounge with their phones in hand.

"Yes I do," I breathed out.

"Are we inviting Colby?" Sam asked.

"I tried, he declined," I said. He nodded in response.

We decided to book the trip from the day before my birthday, a Wednesday, to the following Thursday. Nine days in Florida with my best friends.

"So...Sophia. What do you think about staying in..." Isabel swiveled her laptop to face me, "The Contemporary Resort, club level, in Walt Disney World?"

The smile on my face was so big that my cheeks were hurting. That's the one place I've always wanted to stay. I love how the monorail drives right through the entire hotel. I've seen so many videos about it and it looks like it'd be loads of fun.

"No fucking way!" I said excitedly.

"Yes way. We can stay there for the first five days, do some stuff in Disney and Universal, and then rent a car to drive down to Miami and stay for the last four. I know you want to be in Disney on your birthday, so that's probably the best order to do it," She said.

"Perfect idea! Is everyone okay with that?" I asked around.

"We already have been talking about it, this is your birthday trip and we're just happy to be involved!" Devyn gushed.

"I say we book it then," I smiled.

Isabel put the reservations through. We only needed two rooms because each club level room slept five or six. We added three days of tickets to Disney and added the thing that makes you able to jump around from park to park. We also added meal plans in order to pre-pay for all of our food. We were calculating how much to each Venmo over to Isabel when she spoke up again.

"I added something called 'Memory-Maker'." She said.

"What's that?" I asked.

"It lets us keep all of the pictures we take while in Disney. We won't have to buy any," She smiled.

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