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Sophia's POV

Today is the day. Only eight more hours until we had to be at the airport. I couldn't be happier.

All of the boys were running around last night and today making last minute efforts to pack their suitcases. Us girls on the other hand had our luggage at the front door two days ago. All we had left to do was pack our carry-on bags.

Colby left last night to go to Kansas. It was weird saying goodbye to him because I wasn't sure how to. There was no us anymore which meant no kiss, no cuddling together before he goes, none of it. I gave him a quick hug and mumbled a short 'be safe' and he did the same.

He texted our group chat that he had made it there safely and updated his viewers with his family's reaction on his personal channel. It was a cute video.

I'll never meet them.

Maybe Emily will, if she hasn't already.

"Soph, come get breakfast!" Isabel yelled from downstairs.

Everyone was awake, so there wasn't a need to be quiet at this point. I put down my backpack and headed downstairs.

"Hey, vacation buddy!" Isabel swung me around in her arms.

"Hey!" I smiled at her.

"Dev made breakfast. Come sit!" She pulled me into the dining room and sat me down next to her.

"Morning everyone; Dev, thanks for breakfast!" I grinned at her and waved at everyone else.

"It's vacation day!" Jake said, passing me the syrup for my pancakes.

"It's travel day today, tomorrow starts the real party," Sam said happily.

"I'm so excited!" I said in between bites of food.

"Me too!" Kat agreed.

We finished breakfast and the boys got back to shoving things in their suitcases while us girls helped Devyn clean up and wash the dishes. One thing we did not want to do was come back from vacation and have to clean.

I volunteered to take Navi and Buddy to the 'pet hotel' where they were being boarded. Since they were from the same house, Devyn and Aaron arranged for them to share a space together.

Once I got back, I went upstairs to finish packing my carry-on. I made sure I had my wallet with all of my credit cards, a comfortable amount of cash, my ID, and anything else. I called my bank to let them know I was traveling so that they didn't restrict how much I spent or claim it was fraudulent.

I packed my small things like travel sized sunscreen and light medications in case. I threw a sweatshirt in the bag in case I got cold on the plane, my Mickey Ears from the Disney store, and all of my tickets and reservation confirmation paperwork for every place we would be visiting.

I also threw in two pairs of sunglasses, some chapstick, my phone charger, my laptop, my laptop charger, and a power bank. All of the camera accessories were split between Isabel and my suitcases while I put the camera next to my carry-on so that I could wear it around my neck in order to be able to film in the airport and on the plane.

I walked around the room and looked through drawers for my jewelry in order to throw it into the bag. I haven't worn it in a long time, but I wanted to bring it with me.

Colby's room.

I cringed to myself and remembered that the last time I took all of my rings and my necklace off was when Colby and I were still together.

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