26 | august

295 25 3

The time on the bottom right flashed 1.35 am and Olivia was purring hysterically under the covers. Next to her was a tray of her favourite tea-cookies that she panic baked a couple hours ago.

It was good, falling into this surprising routine of talking to him around the clock. Not in person, ofcourse. Taylor preferred the safety of distanced internet phone calls over physical interactions. Atleast for now. She wouldn't be able to control herself in his presence, not this time. Not when she was falling for him more and more with every word that spewed out of his luxurious lips that she couldn't wait to get a taste of—

"Earth to Miss Taylor?" Snapping back from her daydream – or in this case past-midnight dream, she saw Joe waving his hand on the laptop screen, with a silly smirk on those damned lips. He always calls her 'Miss Taylor' in a sarcastic fashion. It's outrageous. "You really got lost there."

Taylor smirked back, and faked a sigh. "What can I say? I bake distractingly delicious cookies."

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