~A Normal Hangout~

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"Asahiiii, do me a favour, can you pick out a movie will i look for snacks?" Noya called out from the kitchen.

"Of course!" Asahi responded with.

Asahi started to look at all the movies, he knew what Noya's interests are in movies.

Never romance, sometimes light moods, often joyful, most of the time horror.

That is what you would find Noya watching.

Asahi is alright with what Noya watches, he can handle horror, just not often.

So Asahi choose a decent happy movie. Thats what it was described as.

"Asahiii, I'm back with the snacks! I call first choices, just so you know!"

Noya came back with a load of snacks, like, ALOT.

He could barely carry it all in his arms, but of course.

Most of it was for him, i mean, come on.

Asahi smiled in response, and waited for Noya to sit down.

Noya sat down on the couch and got comfy.

Asahi played the movie, and they watched it in peace for the next hour.

But, Asahi noticed something off about Noya.

There was one romance scene in the movie, between a young couple.

Noya would normally point stuff out like that and either complain,remind himself of how single he was, or pretend to gag.

Instead, this time he just continued watching.

Asahi started to wonder if Noya was alright or not, a little bit panicked.


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To Be Continued...

Also, if i dont continue for like a day, school work -.-

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