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Harry left a few hours ago, we talked about our plan for a while, but ended up saying the same things, 

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Harry left a few hours ago, we talked about our plan for a while, but ended up saying the same things, 

I was left on the balcony, for a while until I decided to clean up the bathroom from the previous night, my phone lay shattered on the floor and a few droplets of blood around it where I hit my head, I got a small towel, wetting  it under the tap and kneeling down scrubbing away the dry blood off the tiles, washing away the night before and all my bad decisions, I got up leaving the room and going to my home phone down in the living room, knowing what I had to do now, I dialed the number I've learnt off by heart now, hearing the droning rings over and over,

''Hello?'' The familiar Irish accent rung down the phone, Niall isn't my boss, but he does give me jobs, I'm signed into a contract with him, I do his jobs, he pays me, and after 6 years, I'm out.

''Hi Niall, are you free today?'' I asked,

''Yeah, do you want to talk over the phone?'' 

''I'm coming to your office, see you in 20.'' I spoke, ending the call, walking up my stairs again to change my clothes, I pulled the black t shirt over my head and got a plain pair of jeans out of my drawer, I then grabbed a holster and put two knives on it, one with a green handle and my other blue one which I cleaned earlier, I ran back down the stairs to my door,

I grabbed my car keys and locked up my house, the shared garage of my apartment was big, my black range rover sitting in the corner of it, putting the other cars to shame, I walked over to it, sitting in the black leather seats leaning over to switch the radio on it played the music quiet, slowly turning it up I realised the song, 'Knee Socks' I've always loved the Arctic Monkeys, their music gives you a sense of power that you can find when listening, and I love power.

Around 15 minutes later I arrived at Niall's office, the dark grey walls in the interior made  perfect sense for the business happening inside, as I got to the elevator I waited, staring at the doors thinking of my next moves, and everything that has happened to me so far, the doors opened revealing the same walls and long corridor, each door containing a more dangerous person than the last, and of course Niall's office being right at the end, the top of the food chain basically.

I slammed open the door, the loud bang echoing around the room, Niall sat in his chair, in front  of his dark brown desk, his name plate sat proudly on it,  HORAN, NIALL.

''Hello sweetheart'' He spoke up his voice softer than usual, as he spun his chair round, his arms on each side and his legs basically on the side of his desk, very professional.

''Not your sweetheart Niall, I'm here to talk'' 

''Go on then'' He said, chewing on his gum obnoxiously as I sat on the slightly smaller chairs on the opposite side of the desk,

''Do you even know what happened to me?'' I asked, followed by the silence, therefore telling me his answer, ''Some dickhead broke into my house, kidnapped me, along with Styles'' I spoke watching him stare at me,

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