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Her limbs were spaced out in the bed, the silky sheets surrounded her body, wrapping in folding in certain places, her blonde hair slightly curled and fanned around her face, her skin was red and burned in certain places ; her arms and neck in particular.

She looks so tired, even in sleep, the way she looks like she has a million thoughts in her head, but nothing at all at the same time, she looks so restless.

Harry never told me how much time they spent together, but I kind of figured it out when he started to ignore my calls, and go out even more of a night and not come home for a while.

He's changed since she came along, they've always been in each others lives, but never together, 

I knew I was going to loose him as he spent more time with her, disappearing all the time. 

The house was completely silent, her deep breathing being the only noticeable sound and how she reminds me of Holly in this moment,  how her light skin and dark eyelashes contrast so, 

But Holly never had the chance to get any tattoos like her, the biggest on her arm, the sunflower,  

Holly's favourite flower was always sunflowers, she used to pick them in the fields, twirling in her little sundress as her radiant glow reflects onto the delicate flower, making her look like a real life angel.

I wish I could see her one more time, I never got to say goodbye properly, apart from running away from her dead body, seeing all the life sucked out of her finally, all the pain she had ever experienced leading to nothing, meaning nothing as she ended up six feet under, 

I'll always remember that day, she was so young, so helpless, she never deserved any of the shit that was given to her, yet it was, and she was a target for all.

I just wanted to protect her, but I failed.

I wish I could tell her how sorry I truly am, 

I wish I could make it up to her, and the only way I can get closer to her again, is her sister.

So here I am now, peering through the large windows, seeing Naomi in her peaceful state, she really brings back a few memories,  

I hope she's not watching me now, from heaven most likely, she'd be so disappointed in me,

But I hope she sees me as I lay awake at night, staring at the nameless woman night after night that sleep next to me, oh how I wish those women were you Holly, 

I usually pick the ones with fair skin and blonde hair, like her, but it's never the same, they could never be as good as my little angel, 

I won't kill Naomi, that would be too much, but I know what's to come, she'll fall in love, feel so perfect in life, 

but she's no good, she'll never be perfect like Holly, she's a bad person, and so is he, so when it comes to it, when she feels like her life has turned for the best, 

And she spends those hot summer days in the sunflower fields spinning in her little sundress with him, 

I'll take her happiness away, just like Holly had.

 And i'll make it up to her, and i'll see her again soon, but not until my work is done..


short chapter because of the anonymous POV,

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