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''Yep'' I called out, rushing away from Naomi, Louis coming in at the wrong times as always, 

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''Yep'' I called out, rushing away from Naomi, Louis coming in at the wrong times as always, 

I was so close, I've never been that close to telling someone so important, but it never comes out right, or at all, so him barging in was probably for the best.

I could still feel her soft skin on my fingertips, the feeling of it like its going to be there forever, no matter how hard I try to wash it off, or distract myself from it, it'll always be there, she'll always be there.

''Sorry i didn't know Naomi was here'' He spoke, walking back into the house as I reached him, i spun my head round, revealing a rather distressed looking Naomi, her head in her hands and her eyes screwed shut, 

''It's fine'' I say, still looking at her, I felt Louis rough hand on my shoulder, 

''Why are you wet?'' He asks me, his face concerned, 

''I went for a swim.''

''You hate the water'' He speaks, a small laugh under his words, I probably look like a fucking weirdo right now, dripping wet and out of breath.

''Yeah I know'' I say, finally looking at him again, 

''Right, well, have youse been figuring out all that shit?'' He asks me, referring to the kidnapping and all,

''Yeah, sorry for recently'' I tell him, I truly am, I've been running off and being distant with him since me and Naomi started working together.

''It's fine you've got your shit to be dealing with'' He says, taking a sip from his coffee, which is strange, he never drinks coffee, especially not during the day,

''Did you sleep last night?'' I ask him,

''Not really, was out all last night''

''What were you doing?''

''A club, what's with the questions Haz?''

''Nothing, I don't know'' I say, walking round the island countertop to the fridge again, looking at the counter Naomi was on earlier today,

I grab the orange juice carton again, opening the cap and drinking it straight,

''Where's Naomi?'' Louis asks, standing in front of the doors to the garden, his hand shielding his eyes from the sun as he looks,

''She was out there'' I say, placing the carton down again and joining him by the door,

The garden was as I left it, without her standing by the pool, and i'm damn sure I didn't see her walk back in through the door,

''Fucks sake'' I say, rubbing my hand over my eyes repeatedly,

''Calm the fuck down Harry what's going on with you, she's probably just gone out through the back gate'' He says, pulling my hand down from my eyes and into his grip,

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