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Somewhere with a Monarchy, 1835 

I felt like I was floating on air for the rest of the night. After Damien and I parted ways and Tyra put me to bed, I still couldn't seem to find sleep. My dark hair was spread out on the pillow so it would stay bouncy overnight, but my neck was still hot. I didn't know what was happening and eventually fell asleep amid the tossing and turning.


"Oh, you're burning with a fever!" Tyra and Leta started fretting over me the second I woke up and my throat was terribly sore.

"But today-" Leta cut me off my shushing me, pushing me back down onto the bed. I had planned to surprise Damien today with a small picnic for lunch, and then we could fence afterwards, but that wouldn't be able to happen. We had to pray that this was just a common cold and that I would be fine again tomorrow. If that wasn't the case, I could be on my way out. 

But I didn't feel that bad, it really did just feel like a cold.

"You must stay in bed all day, Emray," Tyra scolded, her hand on my shoulder, "and I expect to see you in bed with this cold compress on your head when we're done informing the rest of the staff and the prince of the reason of your absence today."

I nodded with a small smile on my face. Either these women really cared about my well-being, or they really cared about everyone else. I hoped that it was the first.

Tyra placed the cold compress on my forehead before she and Leta left to go and inform the people who needed to know that I was sick and wouldn't be able to participate in the fourth day of the betrothal celebration.

They walked out the door quietly, as if I was sleeping, and closed it lightly. After I knew they were down the hall, possibly even turning the corner, I walked to the vanity in the bathroom and began tying up my hair. After that, I didn't bother with a corset and simply placed a petticoat onto my hips. Over this went a simple but elegant dandelion yellow day dress that I adored. The finishing touch was the black liner around my eyes, and I was set.  

Before I left the room I grabbed a small piece of fabric to place over my mouth and nose whenever I came in contact with anyone. While I was light headed and felt like throwing up, I steeled myself and walked out into the corridor. It was hard to walk in heels, but I wanted to tell Damien in person that I wouldn't be able to go on our date today.

I stumbled down the corridor and knew I most likely looked like a drunk. The thoughts that kept me going were of the way he looked at me last night and the way he kissed me. There was no way he was faking that.

I continued down the corridor at a slow and steady pace. I passed numerous rooms on the way to the place that Damien told me to met him at today.

"Damien!" I heard a voice giggle from the room where I was headed. My breath caught in my throat, and I bent down to slip off my heels. I tiptoed the rest of the way to the door, pressing my head to the edge of the doorframe to not be seen by the people inside of the room.

"'Melia-" that was Damien, his normally deep voice husky.

"Ohh," Amelia purred, "that nickname is quite nice. Now, what do you say you ditch the brown haired witch and take this day to... consider your options."

At this point I had heard enough. I peeked into the room, careful to only let one eye see into the room. I immediately wished I hadn't. Damien's red jerkin was undone at the top, exposing his broad chest, which Amelia was leaning against.

Damien stepped back and whispered something, tying up his jerkin. 

I fell forward, exposing my presence. They both had mixed reactions, Amelia was both shocked and pleased, she let out a giggle at my heartbroken face.

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