Chapter 3.

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Kage's Point Of View

"Tell me a little about you Kage." Naruto said as we walked.

"There isn't much." I told him.

"Come on!" He sighed. "There has to be something."

"Leave her alone Naruto!" Kiba said, pulling me away from Naruto and beside him.

"We are a team, I should be able to learn a bit about her." Naruto complained

"It's her test, let her focus." Kiba said. I was blocking them out, staying alert. If Kyon comes after or just a mere ninja for the test, I need to be ready. I just hope that they don't send Kabuto, he hates me.

I noticed a small rustling of the leaves, barely noticeable. I stop walking and Kiba and Naruto look at me confused. I quickly do my hand signs, "Ninja Art: Chakra Shuriken Jutsu." I say under my breath, causing a really sharp, unbreakable shuriken forms in my hand, I throw it in direction of the leaves and someone jumps out.

"Good job, Kage." A man smiles as he jumps down from the tree where I threw the shuriken.

"Iruka Sensei!" Naruto says. The man smiled at him.

"How did you even notice him?" Naruto asks.

"While you two were arguing I was paying attention." I tell him. Kiba comes up beside me and starts to walk with me instead of arguing with Naruto. Iruka Sensei grabs his kunai and comes forward I gathered my chakra in my mouth and made the hand signs, "Ninja Art: Chakra Ball Jutsu!" I fire the chakra at Iruka Sensei and he dodged the attack.

I form chakra strings and slowly try to attach them into Iruka Sensei, he doesn't seem to notice and I pull the strings, pulling him up against a tree and tying him there. "Impressive, my part of your test is through, I have to get back to training the small ones. "This kind of jutsu is good for tying enemies up because it can't simply be cut with a normal kunai." I smile, summoning up a chakra kunai and cutting the small strings.

"See ya around!" He waves, going in the direction of the village.

"Let's go a little quicker and on higher ground." I say, going into the trees and jumping from branch to branch. After a while We come across yet another leaf ninja, it seems like we noticed them before they noticed us. It's Sakura. I conjure up some more of my chakra string and slowly make it go to her, attaching itself on to legs, it's similar to the shadow possession jutsu but less noticeable.

I pull the string making her fall as I tie the string around the tree, basically hanging her from her feet. "Haha! Sakura, whose the idiot now!" Naruto laughs.

"Naruto! Cut me loose now!" Sakura yells. "I'm going to kill you!"

"It was all Kage!" Naruto says in defense.

"Hey!" I say, looking back at Naruto.

"Good job you guys, cut me loose." Sakura says. I jump down and cut her loose, helping her to where she doesn't fall. "Now let me kill Naruto!"

"Ahhh! Kage! Help me!" Naruto cries out, running behind me.

"Nope, you aren't getting her killed." Kiba says, pulling me away from Naruto. "I'm sorry Sakura but I need my teammate." I said, making a barrier go around Naruto before Sakura could hurt him. We started walking so I let the barrier fall.

After a while of walking I noticed that it will soon start to get dark. "Set up camp?" I asked, Kiba nods. We pull the tent out of Kiba's large book bag and start setting it up while Naruto sets up the fire and catches the fish so that we can eat.

Kiba and I finished so we are sitting beside the warm camp fire that Naruto made before he left. He came back and Kiba starts to cook the fish.  "So, your clan was murdered?" Naruto asked.

"Yea." I nodded.

"Leave her alone, Naruto!" Kiba said, handing us each a fish. I ate quietly while Naruto and Kiba argued.

"Why are you so protective? Do you like her or something?" Naruto asked. I looked down at my fish and blushed.

"Leave me alone, Naruto!" Kiba said defensively.

"I'm going to go to sleep." I tell them, grabbing my bag.

"I packed you a sleeping bag." Kiba smiled.

"Thank you Kiba." I smiled at him and gave him a big hug, before going into the tent. I set my sleeping bag down away from the entrance.

"Naruto, we should go to sleep soon, we have to go finish our mission tomorrow." Kiba said.

"I know!" Naruto said. I've noticed that Naruto doesn't like when Kiba takes control and Kiba doesn't really like to be told by Naruto. Kiba crawled into the tent and set up his sleeping bag beside me. Akamaru lay at my head, almost like he was protecting me. I smiled at him, laying down.

Kiba's Point Of View

Naruto and Kage fell asleep a little while ago, I noticed Kage shivering so I grabbed my old jacket out of her bag, putting it over her sleeping figure. She was crying in her sleep. She started to toss and turn in and she seemed scared. She kept saying "please, don't hurt me," and "don't come any closer," she is having a terrible dream. I want to help her. "I don't wanna be alone," she cried.

There is no telling what she has been through, what Orochimaru has done to her. I look at her shivering body and pull her closer, she hugged my waist, laying her head on my chest.

"You aren't alone anymore. I'm here. I have you. You will always be safe with me." I whispered in her ear. She stopped her shivering and crying. I smiled. "I'll always protect you."

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