Chapter 6.

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Kage's Point Of View

I woke up to a banging on my door, I open it to see a purple haired girl and Kiba. "Hey, Kage," he smiled. "How'd you sleep?" To be completely honest with myself, not as good as when Kiba was with me.

"Fine, thank you." I told him, I motioned for them to come inside. "I'll get dressed." I tell them, walking into my room and slipping into the clothes I was given by Hana and Kiba.

"Ready?" Kiba asked, I nod, tying my hair in a ponytail. After training I've realized how strong Kiba and Hinata are. Let's not forget Akamaru either. We trained for hours, it was super fun. Hinata and I have become great friends and I learned a little bit about Kiba.

"Are you guys hungry? I made food?" Hinata asks, taking out some rice balls. Yummy. I ate one and it was really good.

"Thanks Hinata." I smiled.

"You didn't eat a whole lot." Kiba said, as he finishes his second one.

"I don't really eat much." I tell him.

"I'm not trying to be rude but, Kage, you are really thin. It's not healthy." Kiba said, handing me another rice ball.

"Fine, if it'll make you happy." I start to eat it and he smiles, happy that I am eating.

"Hinata, you did amazing on these." I compliment her.

"Thank you." She smiles.

"Would you guys come along with me to buy some things for my apartment?" I asked them.

"I can't, I'm sorry. Maybe next time." Hinata says, running off.

"I can." Kiba says. I look around at the place we are in. I recognize this place. I start to follow the old trail, it is barely still noticeable. "Where ya goin?" Kiba asks. I ignore him, walking up to the gate of my clan. It's old and the forest has seemed to have taken over it a little. I walk in, seeing many familiar places, and remembering that happy memories I had here.

"Are you okay?" Kiba asks. I ignored his question again, walking towards the direction of my old home. The door is closed, I open the door and walk inside, taking my shoes off like I used to, every day after I would come home. Kiba was behind me. I walk pass the kitchen and into my bedroom. An old picture is hanging on my wall beside my bed, we all of us looked so happy, mama is smiling, daddy is holding me, and Kyon was even smiling. The picture was somehow preserved by the frame.

I found another picture of Kyon and I. We were playing and having fun. We were both laughing.

"Your family?" Kiba asked and I nod. I take the photo out of the old Dusty frame, water got in it but it didn't mess the picture up. I stuck it in my pocket and walked into the kitchen. My mom would make the best food, daddy would sit there and talk to us while we ate, telling us stories about his missions.

I miss them, so much. Worse then ever. It brought everything back, I dropped to my knees and cried, Kiba sat down and held me. "Why did they have to die?" I asked.

"It's okay, Kage. I'm here. I'll always be here. I'll always protect you." He reassured me. I hid my face in his chest so he wouldn't see my tears. "Kage,  do you want to leave?" He asked.

"No, I just want to sit here for a while, if it's okay with you." I told him.

"I'm okay, as long as you are." He said. He leaned up against the wall. Whenever I'm with Kiba, I don't feel alone. I haven't felt loved in years. He makes me feel loved and wanted.  Kiba is such a nice person. I'm glad I met him when I did. We haven't know each other long and he has stuck by my side and helped me ever since.

"Thank you." I said to him.

"I don't mind being here for you."  I told him.

I hugged him tighter, not letting him go for a while. After I stop myself from crying any more I get up and walk out, putting my shoes on and walk out of the clan doors. We head back to the village and look for stuff for me to get for my apartment.

I got new sheets and covers for my bed, soap, towels, food, and a little more clothes. Kiba helped me pick out things I couldn't decide on and helped me carry them home. He helped me make my bed again and put my food up. "Thank you, Kiba." I smiled.

"I'm happy to." He smiled.

"I have a question." I tell him.

"Ask away." He said confidently.

"Why did you come to see me in the cell or even care about me?" I ask, looking away from his once smiling face, it fell into a frown. I sat at the table and he came up to me, kneeling down in front of me to meet my eye level.

"Because, you seemed like a good person, I don't think I was wrong in making that assumption." He answered. Tears fell from my eyes and he wiped them away.

"I'm sorry, it seems like I'm always crying now." I tell him, he stands up and pulls me into a tight hug.

"I know you doubt your worth, and I can't just tell you to stop, but just know I think you are an amazing, kind person. That surely isn't worthless in my eyes." He said softly. Akamaru barked happily and it made me laugh.

"That means a lot." I say, wiping my tears away

I hear a knock on my door and I open it, seeing Shikamaru. "Lady Hokage needs Kiba and Akamaru. Hinata is standing behind Shikamaru and I nod.

"Bye Kage." Kiba says.

"Bye Kiba." I wave, closing my door.

He is probably getting sent on a mission. I hear Naruto open his door. "I'm coming! I want a mission!" I smile at his him.

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