Going Under

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Every chapter of this fanfic is inspired by songs (sometimes even featured). This chapter contains the songs: Going Under by Evanescence (Animal In Me Cover) and Enemies by Shinedown


Armin really doesn't know what he's doing here. He doesn't know he ended up in a dingy bar underground covered in sweat. Hell, he doesn't even know if the sweat on his skin is from his or from the people surrounding him. So while he waits for the band, he backtracks to three hours ago.

His initial plan was to practice his piece for the next orchestra recital he's performing in after he finishes his Bio-anthropology homework. Instead Historia, or Krista as she likes to be called by her friends, texts him that she needs someone to accompany her to her girlfriend's show since the rest of their friend group couldn't make it. Armin is fully aware of his friend's popularity, especially among boys, so leaving her to walk alone on a Friday night isn't an option.

When Krista arrived at his dorm, upon seeing his outfit, she wrinkled her nose in disgust.

"What's wrong?" Armin asked while gripping his doorknob. Despite Krista's stature, he could feel the weight of her scrutinizing gaze in her wide blue eyes.

"You do know we're going out to watch a rock concert, right?" No he didn't. This is all very last minute and he just wants to practice with his violin on this fine Friday night . "Don't you have, like, any graphic shirts or anything?"

Armin bit his lip while trying to remember the contents of his closet. He probably took too long because his friend was now trying to squeeze in between him and the door to see his closet for herself. He opens the door wider for her to enter and she immediately makes a beeline to the clothes hanging in the little corner of his dorm. He could see Krista's lips purse tightly as she rifled through his pressed button ups.

"We need to go shopping one day," he heard her mutter while analyzing a red flannel that Armin forgot he owns. Finally, Krista's eyes brightened once she saw an almost faded black shirt hidden between all his button ups. It was an anime he used to watch in high school that he's no longer as interested in now.

'I think I was supposed to use that as a pajama shirt,' he thought to himself, but he's glad that he accidentally hung it up anyway.

His best friend put the flannel on his shirt's hanger and held it up to Armin's form. There was an awkward pause between them and he couldn't help but fidget with his cardigan's sleeves. Finally Krista gave an approving nod and laid them out on his bed. "The pants will do but we can make this better," she says while turning to the hanging cubby next to Armin's shirts to look through his pants

"All my denim are on the second shelf" Armin instructs helpfully, at which Krista gives an appreciative nod, pulling a random one out of the stack. Before he could react, Krista made her way to his desk and took out his pair of scissors to cut tiny holes in his perfectly wearable pants.

"What are you doing?!" Armin cried and lunged at Krista to stop her from ruining his pants even further.

"I wanna spice your wardrobe up! There's no way in hell I'm gonna let you look like a rejected Dark Academia character when we're supposed to watch a rock show," She reasons as she ducks under Armin's flailing arms and runs to the other side of the room to cut more holes in his pants. Armin sighed and slumps his shoulders as he thinks about her words. He does find it annoying when he sticks out like a sore thumb in events, it's how he got bullied growing up anyway. So he just plops on his bed.

"Those are my favorite pair though..." he mumbles as he looks up at his friend with puppy eyes. Sadly, they didn't work on her and she only offers a giggle as she continues to work.

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