Francis Forever

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Trost University's Battle of the Bands has been the moment Eren has been waiting for since he started college. Judging by how well received My War was in the bar Connie works at, he feels that they're ready to finally sign up and hopefully have the chance to compete. He scribbles the band's name on the sign up list and gives a satisfied huff. He offers his bandmates high fives on both his hands in which both Sasha and Jean are very enthusiastic to return.

"Congrats on finding a new ragtag band, Yeager," he hears a low voice from behind him and immediately knows who it is.

"Reiner..." he growls and turns to see him smirking and looming over him. "Got a new drummer yet or are you still relying on a soundboard for your gigs?"

"Oh we do, my little cousin's actually pretty talented," Reiner crosses his arms. Eren didn't say anything, knowing that his entire vocabulary is filled with expletives instead of proper words. His chest tightens, the longer he looks at the taller man that he had to direct his gaze elsewhere. He clicks his tongue and moves out of the other group's way in order for them to sign up for the auditions as well.

"Eren..." Mikasa's voice is careful as she slowly approaches her brother's side. Whatever she is gonna say dies out in her throat. She knows how much pain Eren went through after Reiner. It's been two years, but it still stung like a bitch.

"Let's go," Eren mumbles quietly, almost too quiet that if it weren't for Mikasa's sharp ears, everyone would've missed it. As he walks away with his group, his sister grabs his hand and squeezes it gently, their quiet reminder that they're here for each other.


Eren sighs for the millionth time tonight. It's almost three in the morning but he recently hit a wall while writing some new songs to play for the Battle. Instead, his mind kept replaying his encounter with Reiner earlier. Every time he sees his face, he just remembers how hurt he was at his betrayal. They were supposed to perform in the Battle of the Bands together instead of against each other. He remembers that day, almost at the end of their freshman year in college, he entered their shared dorm and just felt like the Earth was about to swallow him whole. Everything was slow yet it happened in a blur. He heard his name being called but he realized that he was running. To where? He doesn't remember.

He shakes his head to clear out that memory. It's been two years since That Day, he should've moved on from it. But here's the thing:

He's shit at moving on.

Eren groans and leans back against his chair, looking up at the faint glow of LEDs on the corners of his ceiling. Yeah, he really can't write anything when he's a jumbled little ball of emotions right now. He checks his phone and shoots My War's discord server a text to see if anyone's up.

He's just about to start stretching his legs after sitting for hours when the familiar ping hit his ears. Huh, looks like Armin's having a rough night too, judging by how fast he responded to the message.

Fullmetal (today at 3:03 am)

Yeah I'm awake what's up?

vehicular manslaughter (today at 3:03 am)

stuck on songwriting and i need a break wbu?

Fullmetal (today at 3:04 am)

All-nighter, I have a paper due tomorrow for Hange's class

vehicular manslaughter (today at 3:04 am)

what's this???? the ever so studious Armin Arlert not doing his homework three days ahead????

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