Heaven's Gate

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Of all the students that Erwin Smith accepted into the chamber orchestra program, Armin Arlert is one of the most gifted violinists he's ever seen. He's dedicated to his craft and has the talent for it. He's never late to practice and always has the music familiarized within a week after it's assigned. He would have been a stellar professional violinist if he were to pursue a career in it. So it's a surprise when Armin comes to practice tired and disheveled, rubbing his eyes. Initially Erwin guesses that it's because midterms are finally coming to a close and the boy can finally shirk off the stress that has been weighing him down. He lets it slide when he misses a few notes from the sonata they are playing. But after the next few mistakes he can sense everyone's irritation and Armin ducking his head in embarrassment. Yes, Erwin can definitely see that something is off within his star student.

"How about we take a five minute break," he says to the class. The soft clatter of instruments being placed in their cases and the rustling of music sheets being closed surrounds the room. The students go outside or gather with their friends to converse. Historia is talking to Armin with a worried hand on his shoulder, but the boy only gives her a reassuring smile.

"Miss Reiss." Erwin catches the pair's attention. "May I talk to Mister Arlert for a moment?"

Krista looks at their professor then back at Armin.

"I'll be fine, Krista, you can go," Armin assures her. Krista reluctantly walks out of the room.

"I'm really sorry Professor Smith, there's just a lot of things on my mind right now and I'm doing my best to focus on the piece but I keep hitting the wrong notes--" Armin's voice begins to get panicky and his eyes get wide. Erwin knows that he's beginning to slip, and he interrupts him by placing a hand on his shoulder.

"You're friends with the Yaeger boy, aren't you?" Armin's face flushes at the question. Eren Yaeger is pretty popular on this little college campus. His radical arguments in his classes have been the talk by the water cooler in the faculty. Erwin has even heard Levi ramble on and on about how Eren has the audacity to question his lectures in class and how it's "politically incorrect". The boy is very passionate with whatever he sets his mind into. Both Erwin and Armin can see that. With Armin being an empath, it could only mean that he would share Eren's anguish over not getting into the university's most anticipated event.

Armin's words get stuck in his throat. "Yes, sir. Why?"

"I heard about what happened from Hange." Erwin settles down on the seat in front of Armin's. "How devastated he was that he didn't get to join the Battle of the Bands."

"Yes sir, he says that's been his dream ever since he set foot on campus."

Erwin nods in thought. He glances with Armin as the silence between them settles. Armin is a promising violinist, if he wanted to, he could be a professional violinist in an orchestra. However, he and Erwin both know that his heart doesn't belong there. Initially, he thought it was because he saw the boy's passion in Environmental Science but now he sees that passion somewhere else. Somewhere that's more dynamic and exciting. Yet something is holding him back and Erwin's determined to give him the nudge he needs to finally break free from those chains.

"How about this, as the director of the music department, I'll let Yaeger and his band audition again." The boy's hopeful blue eyes are shining again. Bingo. "But, I want them to bring more to the table. They have the talent, but their style is almost identical to the other contenders. They need something to make them stand out."

uneasy hearts weigh the most (Eremin)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora