Merry-Go-Round of Life

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The weekend passes by before Armin even realizes it. All he can remember the morning after the concert is his head pounding. Also a text from Krista, asking him if he was okay because he slept through breakfast and lunch -- something he never did. He shoots his friend a text saying that he's okay and was very grateful for the invite.

Suddenly, Monday rolls around. Armin dreads running into Eren on campus. The Armin he met that Friday night looked completely different than the real Armin. Friday night Armin was all red eyeshadow, flirty smiles, and alcohol on his lips. Real Armin is a nerd whose nose is either stuck in a book or a music sheet for a new piece to play on his violin. Speaking of violins, maybe he should play something to calm himself down so he isn't a mess if he does run into Eren. His class isn't in another hour anyway; he'll just play a few pieces for thirty minutes, then hopefully he'll have enough time to make his way to class with a clear head.

He quickly turns to the performing arts building instead of his usual route to the library. He had planned on brushing up on his reading for Marine Biology, but he's pretty confident in what the discussion will be about. He can forgo it just this once.

Just as the music hall suggests, there are practice rooms provided in various sizes so students can practice as a group or alone. Armin chooses one of the more private rooms, one with a large window that illuminates the room with the warm autumn sun. He puts his backpack down and unclasps his violin case. He then carefully tunes his instrument until all the strings are at the right pitch. He takes a deep breath, places the violin under his chin, and begins warming up.


Eren curses under his breath as he runs to the performing arts building. He had planned on using his private lesson hours to brainstorm more songs to write for My War but Shadis had to stop him before he could slink away from class. Apparently, his grades were dropping and he needed to make up for them so he wouldn't end up taking calculus for the third time. It wasn't his fault that Shadis was a shitty professor, he knew he should've checked Rate My Professor before signing up for the class, but it's the only one that fit his schedule!

Finally he reaches the music hall and he seriously hopes that no one had taken his favorite practice room . He only likes one practice room in the building. It's the one that has the large windows that let the sun in, but the trees filter the light so the room wouldn't grow hot over time. It has the perfect view of the campus and the students passing by. Each one had a character that Eren can't help but imagine a story behind. It helps his mind wander and lyrics would start coming to him as if one of the muses hit him with the Hammer of Inspiration and the glow of the sunlight being the divine beings' sign of their blessing to him.

Right when he is about to enter his favorite practice room, he realizes that it's open. Who the fuck decided to take his away from him?! Eren's just about to burst in to yell at the other musician to get out, but he hears the sweetest sound of a violin. He peeks through the gap between the door and the frame to see who's playing. It's the boy he gave a ride to last Friday night! Armin Arlert, he believes.

'Huh, didn't know he was a musician too,' he thinks as he continues to watch the Armin play. 'He's a damn good one too.'

When Eren first saw Armin, he stuck out like a sore thumb. His flannel was so big that it almost covered his hands and his jeans were obviously freshly cut by someone else. He also noticed the way he nervously looked around as he drank from his cup, compared to everyone else who didn't care about their surroundings. He almost rolled his eyes at him because he looked painfully out of place. But when his band started performing, he couldn't help but be mesmerized by his wide blue eyes that shone in interest. They were the deepest shade of blue, so much so that he could just drown in them. He watched Armin inch closer to the stage the longer they played to the point that it was almost amusing. Like a moth drawn towards their bands' fiery performance. He couldn't help but tease the poor boy when he was singing the last song from their set. Eren's friends also dub him as a flirt to the point that it even rivals Jean. Personally, he thinks he's better than horseface anyway.

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