The Start

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 Wilbur laid there, staring up at the blank, empty ceiling. He couldn't sleep. Thoughts were spinning through his head, and yet, there was nothing he could do about it. Sleep wasn't going to take him, at least, not now. Of course, he supposed this was just the sort of thing that could be waited out. Wilbur let out a quiet laugh. "I'm so tired, and yet, I can't sleep. How ironic is that."

Eventually, the sun rose from behind the trees, and Wilbur sat up. He didn't even get a few minutes of sleep, but to him, this wasn't unusual. Quickly, he stood and stretched. A long night like that could really do something to my back, Wilbur thought, smirking. Philza peered in as the lanky boy cracked his neck. "Okay," Philza stepped in, "that was gross. Anyways, breakfast is ready downstairs if you want to eat something."

"Cool. I should be down there in a couple of minutes." Philza nodded his head and quietly shut the door, as the two boys next door were still asleep. Wilbur yawned and changed into a brown sweater with some gray sweatpants just to look slightly more presentable.

"Hey," Techno said, not even bothering to look up. Wilbur said nothing and sat down at the large table. Before anyone came, Wilbur wanted to eat. At least a little bit of something would do. He couldn't bear to eat in front of anyone, let alone his little brothers. As quickly as one can do, he grabbed a couple of small sausages and a singular egg from the center and scarfed them down. Without a second thought, he gulped some water down and sat back in his chair. Okay, he thought, there were roughly 170 calories in the sausage links, and 80 calories in that egg. So for today, that would be 250 calories. Wilbur grimaced but kept the food down. That was probably going to be it for the day. Any more food and he was going to freak out.

Tubbo and Tommy came stumbling down the stairs. "Oy," Tommy shouted, "save some for us, would ya?" Tommy playfully shoved Wilbur and sat down.
"Good morning, Wilbur. I hope you slept well last night," Tubbo said gently.

Wilbur shook his head a little and smiled at Tubbo. "Meh, I could've done better, but it wasn't bad at all." Tubbo smiled brightly and sat down next to Tommy. Everyone was eating happily, and chatter was filling the air. Wilbur smiled happily at the sound and joined in the conversation. 

*I'm lacking motivation right now, so these things will be short. Besides that, I do hope you enjoyed it and I should get the next part out eventually.*

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