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*I have zero inspiration for this story so if someone wants to write it for me, I would absolutely love that. By that I mean to make their own story off the idea of Wilbur going crazy over time from sleep deprivation living with SBI.*

 Breakfast had just finished and people were beginning to put their dishes away. Wilbur stood up, but he had to steady himself. His vision was going a little dark. Heh, I must've stood up a little too fast, Wilbur thought. If he had to guess, he'd been awake for probably a little longer than 24 hours. Wilbur was actually quite sleepy, but he just couldn't sleep. Something was preventing him from sleeping at all. Of course, he felt a little off, but eventually, he would go back to sleep. That's what had always happened in the past.

Snapping him away from his thoughts, Tommy shouted, "Wilbur, bring your shit over here!"

"Shut up, Tommy!" Wilbur snapped. Tommy looked startled and took a step back. "Ah, I'm sorry Tommy. I didn't mean to snap," Wilbur took a step towards Tommy in an act to comfort him.

"It's fine, Wilbur. It doesn't matter," Tommy brushed past him, ignoring his stutters of apologies.

Wilbur stood there, worried. He didn't know what he did wrong. Tommy seemed really upset, but he already apologized? Was there something else he did?

Wilbur rubbed his temples and tried to focus himself. He knew that the lack of sleep wasn't helping with his temper. He sighed deeply and started to clean up all the dishes. It may not have been his job that day, but he needed to do it. 

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