Pedro vs Nightmare

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My guys!! Sorry it's been soooooooooooo long since I've updated this book!! Please accept this chapter and I apologise if you don't like it :/

"I'd better be heading home now."

"Gerald-" Pedro began, reaching out to grab his arm. 

"I have work to do," Gerald replied, touching Pedro's hand. He kissed it gently before letting go. "Pedro, bae, I love you." 

"I love you too," Pedro whispered. 

"I love you most," Gerald said, leaning over and pecking Pedro's forehead. 

"Can we hang out tomorrow night at 6?" Pedro wondered out loud. 

"Of course babe," Gerald cooed. "But for now I'd better be off." He waved goodbye to Pedro and strolled out into the night. 

Pedro laid in his bed and thought about his boyfriend who he loved ever so dearly. Gerald was never meant to find out that Peppa had 'dated' Pedro. Pedro just wanted to shake her off and be left alone but Peppa was quite serious about Pedro. Gerald had texted and called Pedro too many times but Peppa deleted and blocked his number, which fueled the flame of concern. Gerald rocked up at school one day with Pedro and they stepped on Peppa because coz why not? She's an absolute shithead. 

Then Peppa had raged and screamed and threatened to become bacon and that's when Gerald learnt the ugly truth about Pedro Pony and Peppa Pig. Pedro thought that Gerald would let him go but that wasn't the case. 

Guess they couldn't even last a day without touching one another 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♀️

Pedro tucked into his cowboy bed and switched off his light. He laid in his bed and thought about Gerald and him running off into the sunset. Suddenly his mind pained and grabbed a hold of his throbbing head. Thoughts of his day passed through his mind as he remember the trauma he'd experienced that morning. 

Pedro nearly died. 

Pedro didn't tell Gerald because he was too busy eating his face. 

Pedro neighed and whimpered in the silence. Suddenly his eyes flashed red and he sat up in his bed.  

"pEPpA pIG," he said robotically. 

A bright light appeared out of nowhere and Pedro jumped out of his bed and followed the light. A hand stretched out of the blindly light and seized Pedro. Pedro screamed and punched the arm with all his might. A large mouth appeared and Pedro screamed until he felt all his bones go snap

Pedro woke up, sweating madly. He swiped his forehead and stared at the sweaty sweat on his hand. He flicked it off and looked at the science clock on his wall. 


Pedro was about to shut his eyes before he realised the mistake. 

What was even going on? 

Pedro wanted to scream again but the same hand as before clamped over his mouth and then Pedro realised it was another dream. Quickly Pedro pinched himself and he woke up. This time when he looked at his clock it said:




Pedro's day zoomed by and soon it was 6pm and it was time to see Gerald. This time Pedro was going to Gerald's house. They began watching some cringy human moving. They ate popcorn with large amounts of butter and salt on it. Pedro loved hanging out with Gerald because he felt like Gerald's brother. 

Wait that came out wrong damnit. 

Gerald and Pedro had been together for 6 months already! They first met back in the day at playgroup but then Gerald had to leave because his dad was suing the zoo. Gerald's dad sued the zoo because they were basically showing tourists a prison site which was just wrong. Instead, they got humans and placed them in there. And Gerald's dad is now the head human keeper. 

Pedro missed his best mate Gerald but they once again reunited in highschool. Pedro had never let him go. Except they only reunited 6 months ago. 

The couple finished watching the cringy human movie when Pedro cuddled closer into Gerald. "I missed when we did this," Pedro said quietly. 

"Me too," Gerald whispered back. 

Gerald and Pedro haven't watched a movie together for about a month. 

"Can we watch Inosuke: The Documentary?" Pedro wondered. 

"Of course bae," Gerald replied, kissing Pedro on the cheek. Gerald got off the lounge and wandered over to the DVD player. (yes they still have these, shh). Gerald put in the DVD and he waited for it to load. 

When it did, he sat back down on the couch and cuddled closer with Pedro. Pedro kissed Gerald on his neck before nuzzling closer. 

Mrs Giraffe came in the middle of the documentary and she smiled but then she noticed the mushiness her son and his boyfriend were making so she quickly left. No, she's not against gays she is just uncomfortable around a mushy couple. I mean would you feel the same way? Sorry of track guys ahhh!! 

The documentary finished and so did the popcorn. It was soon 10:30pm and Pedro pleaded to stay longer but Mrs Giraffe insisted for him to go home. Pedro kissed Gerald Giraffe goodbye. Whenever they kissed goodbye, they kissed goodbye. It was like a farewell kiss like they'd never see each other again. It was really, intense. 

Pedro was driven home, where they again, kissed goodbye. Pedro and Gerald dramatically held hands and Pedro walked back to his house. They let go and Pedro swore he saw a tear slip from Gerald's eye. Pedro sniffed before entering his house, where he exploded into tears. Mrs Pony comforted her son and held him close. 

Pedro soon tucked in, where he repeated the same nightmare from the night before...

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2021 ⏰

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