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oh my god, chandler just met callie, and they were instant friends! sophia kept giving her side eyes or whatever, but to be honest, i don't really care. i like how callie is trying to become a part of my life (and sophia's life) again. i could tell that she's really trying.

i don't know why soph feels that way about callie. the three of us were friends since 7th grade, but callie left to study college in europe. we lost contact with her, and now she's back. callie said she saw me once in a youtube video, and that's when she remembered me and sophia. she decided to message me, and i told her i missed her and all that, and the rest is history.

chandler is a very shy and awkward guy at first, at least when i first met him, but earlier today, chandler is more comfortable to laugh, talk and make jokes. i like that. so much.

in a few weeks, we're going to celebrate halloween at sophia's place, and i am so excited to find matching costumes with chandler. i already asked him about it, and he agreed to come with me. so yeah, watch out for it, i guess.

love, bri.

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