chapter 3

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Sonia's pov:
Even though I m not a morning person today I woke up with a smile on my face because I know I have a plan to follow and by the night time I would be gone from here......after finishing getting ready I wear a crop top with shorts and my black boots , I go downstairs to eat breakfast with a big smile .....even papa looks at me suspiciously and asked if there was something the matter and I said 'nothing just woke up feeling good'
He said okay. Then we both ate in silence as I was still angry with him and he was still trying to make me speak to the day went I just got on with my palace duties and then during the evening it was time for me going as in the evening papa is usually at Tartarus. And all of the hell is busy as it's usually closing time or something. So I make my way to my room hurriedly and get my bag and walk out.....praying not to get caught by anyone......
I was looking out in the corridor so that to make sure nobody sees me and I was thanking my lucky stars for the empty corridors and I bump in a wall......but wait there wasn't supposed to be a wall here.....I look up and see it isn't a wall but my dear friend Sam ......u see he Is Marcus brother smaller one of course.....and there goes my luck of not being caught ......
'what are you doing here' he asked me
Think something Sonia u can't let him catch your what to do what to do....ahhhh!
'I was going for a run' I blurted out. He arched a brow ...... because everyone knew about me not having a single athlete bone in my body.....
'you run! Are u kidding me?? He asked.
'what no. I thought to take up a new hobby and running is good for health' I told him....
I need to leave fast or I will be caught.
' okay so I have to go now bye as I m late already' I wave him and run out of there like my ass was on fire.......I was out the door in 5secs flat.....
I went to the dark jungle that is usually where we open portals for going to places......
I knelt down on my knees and place my hand flat on the ground and conjure up a portal for earth I have hurry as I know by now papa would have felt someone being in this jungle and opening the portal .....I do a quick protection spell so that papa doesn't find me on earth and drop down in the's all black here.

After a few minutes which felt like hours let me tell you.

I reached an alley a really dark and creepy one......I walk outta there and see there is night club besides the alley.........
'ohhh wow, it's so beautiful with all the lights and all' I don't know why papa didn't allow me to come down here ever.
I was walking in the direction of club still awestruck with the beauty of earth that I didn't see anyone Infront of me and crashed right into them.....great first time here and I m already embarrassed myself.....
'ohhhh myyy godddd I sorry so sorry' I said to the stranger.
'i wasn't looking where I was going so sorry'
He chuckled.
'its alright , by the way I m Siddharth, u can call me sid' he said extending his hand for a handshake.
'i am sonia' I said and shook his hand.
'so you going to the club' he asked.
'yes' I said.
'Let's go together then' he said.
We went into the club I was in awe with the ambience and all. He looked at me and laughed. I blushed . We had a few drinks but that's u can guess supernatural beings have a high alcoholic tolerance. I wasn't drunk. We started to leave.
He asked me if he can drop me somewhere that's when I realized I didn't have anywhere to go.
'no, I have nowhere to go ' I said to him looking down at the pavement.
'what do you mean ' he asked .
I guess it was time to tell him about the truth of my existiance.
'i m not from your realm, I m actually the princesses of hell' I said.
He laughed one of those belly laugh ones. I signed he doesn't believe me and I can't blame him.
'okay stop joking and tell me the truth' he said.
'i m not joking , it's the truth, let me do some of my magic and prove that I really am what I say I m'
'okay'he said.
I froze the time Infront of him and his jaw dropped.....he said' u weren't kidding were u?. 'no I told you' I shrugged. Then normalled everything.
Then he signed said he believes me and asks me to come with him to his house.......I said okay.

We reached his house in an hour. And it was really huge.
It was gated house with large iron gate and a long driveway with a fountain in the middle.
We got out of the car and he unlocks the main door of the house.
'welcome to my small house'he said.
'small , this place is huge and beautiful' I told him my jaw still on the floor with the beauty of it.
He smile and thanks me then shows me my room that is right next to his.
I make my way I inside and just lay on the bed too tired to appreciate the beauty of it all......and within a few minutes I m out like a light.

Author's note:At the top is the image of the mansion how it looks from outside, and below is her bedrooms picture

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Author's note:
At the top is the image of the mansion how it looks from outside, and below is her bedrooms picture.
Ohh and sorry for not writing i thought it didn't matter if wrote or not but then I realized it's for me I write anyways.....if u like the chapter comment and vote ohhhh and I would love to talk to u guys if u want to talk msg me.

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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2022 ⏰

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