chapter 2

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Sonia's pov:
There is so much noise in my uggggg can't anyone even letme sleep in peace....puls who the heck did open my bitch please I love my sleep toh guys can go kiss sunlight somewhere else. ' 'sonia!!!!!!' Marcus said. I swear someday imma gonna kill him for waking me up this early. As you can already see I m not much of a morning person. "What" I replied to Marcus . "Wake up, or all your food will be gone" he told me , now this got me upright as food is my one and true love sleep is after it...I mean who doesn't love food.... "I knew this would wake you in a second, seems like my plan worked" Marcus muttered. " Fuck off , food is bae" I replied. And threw him outta my room and freshend up and went downstairs to dining room where the love of my life awaits me.....
"Good morning sweetie"my mum said.
"Morning mum, morning papa"I replied. dad also said morning and reminded me about me handling the hell's nothing new but he feels to give me instructions everytime...
"Will you be okay??" I asked my father as he will be going to tatrus even though he a king this tatrus effects him a lot I m the only one in this world on whom this place doesn't effect, it's because of how powerful I m and I just use only 5%of my power then I m so powerful so imagine me using my whole power it would be awesome but I can't because if I did then I disturb the balance which I can't so yeah ....
"I won't be there for long so yeah I will be fine" dad replied." Okay papa , take care"I told him.
Then we ate our breakfast with small talks here and there and my father is off to the place so go see him off at the front door.....where he wistle and there comes erbus , his pet to people but a family to us....he a big dog sho has 3 heads and black shiny fur and is big softy at heart and just loves to play and cuddle with me .......I love him too..... My father gets on him and wave me, I do the same and he is gone........

The rest of the day goes the usual me giving souls there sentences and having lunch ice- it's night time and father came back at evening but the effect on him made him tired so he took the rest of the day of.....during the night time something happened....who am I kidding a lot happened.....father at dinner asked me to chose a groom so that I can inherit the crown and start my life even though he knows I'm waiting for my all went like this......

At dinner table we were eating and Chating happily when father asked me to chose a groom from one of the guys he is making me meet tomorrow.......

"U can't do this to me, u found love i have a right to find love too" i told him.
"I m not saying no to you falling in love ,i m just saying marry someone and then fall in love with your husband" he told me...
"But i m waiting for my mate you know how this works" I said to him.
"Yes but he isn't here and u know not many demons find there mate there whole life all i want is you to be happy" he told me.
I raised my voice...."u are basically forcing my life and choosing everything for me, u can't dictate my life's my life where I decide whom I fall for not you" i yelled at him and stood up....he also stood up and told me with anger in his voice that" you are going to marry the guy I chose , u Don't have choice and fall in love with him and inherit my Throne......I laugh bitterly" so it's all about your Throne my choices don't matter at all "I said to him in a cold voice and he in an equally cold voice replied" yes! You don't have any choice , sacrifices are made for great things" " so u gonna sacrifice your own daughters happiness for what this stupid throne.....I can't believe this " I said this and left the dinning room....and went directly to my room and laid on my bed thinking......

Present time ......

As I m laying on my bed to thinking about how to get out of this .....I suddenly know what I have to I pack a small bag some food and of course some earth money.......then I hid all of this in my closet and get ready for bed because of the long day that will be coming tomorrow. I quickly finish my nightly duties as I m really tired and will need all the energy I can get to follow my with my plan in mind and a big smile on my face I go to bed move the covers and lay down on it feeling the comfyness of the mattress and covers around me and I m dead to the world within minutes...........

Authors note:
I m not gonna rant here Coz even I skip these notes all the time😂 so yeah do read comment and vote if you like the chapter ....puls I would love to talk to you guys whoever is reading my book......and if there are mistake pls overlook u guys a lot and your support means a lot to me

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