First day

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Hi so this is my first ever fanfict I hope you like it also Aang has hair:)
Aang's POV
Today I woke up took a shower brushed my teeth and picked out an outfit to wear on my first day

Aang's Outfit⬆️After that I went downstairs and saw Gyatso making breakfast so I sat down at the table as Gyatso spoke „good morning Aang how did you sleep?" „ Morning Gyatso I slept fine „ I Said „ well since it's your first day of school I made ...

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Aang's Outfit⬆️
After that I went downstairs and saw Gyatso making breakfast so I sat down at the table as Gyatso spoke „good morning Aang how did you sleep?" „ Morning Gyatso I slept fine „ I Said „ well since it's your first day of school I made egg custard" he said as he handed me my food „thank you Gyatso you remembered it's my favorite" i said as I began eating „of course how could I forget" he said with a smile. After breakfast I went upstairs to my room to meditate until it was time to go . After I was done I heard Gyatso come and say „so are you excited for your first day ?" „yeah but nervous what if nobody likes or they think I'm weird?" I said looking down „ don't you worry about That im sure you'll make a lot of friends now come on you don't want to be late" said Gyatso leaving my room as I followed .as we were heading out I pet my dog appa and my cat Momo „bye appa ,bye Momo" I Said goodbye to Gyatso and got in my car it was only a 15 minute drive because I don't live that far

Katara's POV
I woke up at 7:00 because I go to school with my brother and he's really slow and takes his time so I wake up before him to make breakfast and stuff anyways I got in the shower and picked out my outfit

Katara's Outfit ⬆️Then I went to the kitchen and to my surprise I saw sokka eating cereal „ why are you up so early" I asked confused „well today's the first day of school that means another year with suki so I have to be prepared"I Looked at him ...

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Katara's Outfit ⬆️
Then I went to the kitchen and to my surprise I saw sokka eating cereal „ why are you up so early" I asked confused „well today's the first day of school that means another year with suki so I have to be prepared"I Looked at him and rolled my eyes „just ask her out already" I said „I can't if I ask her and she doesn't like me back it will ruin our friendship" I turned an begann walking to my room „wathever you say big bro" I just scrolled thru insta until it was time to go

After about 15 minutes it was time to go „sokka its time to go" I response. „Sokka were are you?" I yelled again walking into the kitchen ,there I saw sokka basically having a mental breakdown „sokka what's wrong?" I asked „ THERE IS NO MEAT IN THE FRIDGE" I looked at him and raised my eyebrow „ seriously" I basically dragged him to the car so we could go to school

When we arrived we started walking up to the school as we heard someone ask „excuse can you help me find my English class?" I looked at him as he smiled , he looked so happy and full of joy but then I snapped out of it as my brother said „yeah this is my sister she has the same class now right?" he looked at me and I snapped back to reality „I-uh yeah follow me" I said and he followed
„So are you new here?" I asked „yeah I just moved here a couple days ago , I'm Aang by the way" „I'm Katara can i see your schedule" I asked „Sure here" he said as he handed me his schedule „ we have every class together except chem and art" I said happily „that's great !"he said and smiled at him as he smiled back just as the bell rang

We went to class and he sat next to me „I think you're gonna like this class the teacher is really nice" I said and he smiled the bell rang and the teacher began"hello class as you all know I'm miss yangchen I tutor English and art alright today you'll be taking notes wich are gonna help you for your homework" everyone sighed as she mentioned homework

Aang's POV
After class Katara said she wanted to introduce me to her Friends and we started walking to a group of people I recognized sokka and as we got closer katara started „hey guys" „hey sugar queen" said a girl with black hair „who is this?" asked a guy with a scar „guys this is Aang he's new here" „hi it's nice to meet you" I said as Katara introduced me „this is Toph,Zuko,suki,Mai and you already know my brother" said Katara „so twinkle toes" started Toph „twinkle toes?" I asked"don't answere to twinkle toes it's not manly" said sokka as everyone laughed then Katara said„ Toph gives everyone nicknames" „yeah Katara is sugar queen and sokka is snozzles" I giggled „Wait youre an airbender right" said suki „yep that's me" I said scratching my neck „well it was nice meeting you twinkle toes" said Toph as the bell rang

After school I was walking to my car as I heard a familiar voice.Katara. „Hey" she said „hey is something wrong?" I asked „yeah well sokka has football practice and I need a ride I was going to ask if you could give me a ride but it's okay if you ca-„ before she could finish I said" I'd be happy to "she smiled and got in the car „so Where do you live?" I asked taking my phone out „here" she said taking my phone and putting a location in . As we arrived at her house she begann „ can I have your phone number so we can stay in touch" „sure" I said handing her my phone after that she got out of the car and I walked her to the door as she stood there she said „ thanks again I owe you" „of course no problem" I said as I was about to turn around she gave me a quick kiss on the cheek and I felt my face heating up she then giggled and said „see you tomorrow" „see you tomorrow" I Said with a smile

As I got home I saw note from Gyatso,he had a night shift and I was going to be alone after I did my homework it was already dark and I was tired, as I was going to bed I got a text from Katara
K:hey I just Finished hw hbu?
A:same just got done it was so much for the first day
K:ik well im going to bed now good night
A:me too gn

That night I fell asleep with a smile on my face
Ok so that was the first champter I Hope it was good I promise more chapters soon byeee!

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