Sleepover part five

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Hi guys so this is the update and the actually sleepover takes place next chapter hehe hope you enjoy:)
Aang's POV
I walked in the the living room and the man stood up „Hello you must be Aang" he said giving me his hand „yes that's me Hakoda sir" I said shacking his hand „just hakoda is fine" he said smiling „I'll keep that in mind" I said smiling back then Katara spoke „dad can Aang stay for dinner?" „I don't want to intrude" I said „You're not intruding Aang you're welcome to stay for dinner" he said „ok thank you" I said „come on Aang I'll show you to my room so we can play x box till food Is ready" sokka said heading upstairs „ shouldn't we help Katara cook dinner?" I asked „it's okay Aang don't worry about it" i Heard Katara say „you sure?" i asked „come on Aang she can do it herself" said sokka heading upstairs as I followed . They had a pretty nice house it was really cozy. As we got to sokka's room we played some games for about 20 minute „HA i won again!" I said „What- but how are you so good?" sokka asked and I just shrugged then we heard Katara yell „dinners ready!" and sokka almost jumped and ran downstairs, I followed behind him with a chuckle

As we got to the kitchen I saw as beautiful vegetarian dish „where's the meat?" sokka asked as we all sat down at the table „sokka you know Aang's a vegetarian" Katara said annoyed „thanks a lot" Said sokka turning to me with a sad sarcastic voice „sorry..." I said as I begann eating „mhm this Is really good Katara" she blushed and answered „thank you those are seaprunse gran gran always used to make them" „sadly" sokka said , Katara shot him a death glare and he just looked down „so Aang you're an airbender right?" Hakoda asked me „ yes i am" I didn't want to tell them that I'm the avatar yet and not like this „so tell us a bit about yourself" he said „well is there anything specific you would like to know?" I asked „for starters how was your life before you got here?" „well me and my guardian Gyatso used to go lots of places because .... uhm we liked to travel yes we liked to travel a lot and I was just homeschooled until we decided to settle down"  I Said „interesting" phew saved myself I couldn't tell them we were traveling because I was the avatar „you mentioned your guardian but where are your parents?" he asked and both sokka and Katara facepalmed themself „well uhm there dead ..." I said with a sad smile „oh I'm so sorry I didn't know" he said „it's okay they died when I was very little so I don't really remember them" I said looking down „well we know how it feels Katara and sokka's mother also died when they were little" he said and I saw a small tear fall down Katara's cheek „I'm so sorry to hear that" I said „it's okay it's not your fault" I Heard Katara say „well we should get going" I said „okay just let me get changed" Katara said running upstairs I turned to sokka as he walked upstairs to and I just waited

After some time I heard sokka come downstairs

Sokka's outfit ⬆️„Hey I need to talk to to for a sek" he said I looked at him confused „about what?" I asked „well I just wanted to thank you for letting my sister stay with you and just in general being there for her as her brother it means a lot...

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Sokka's outfit ⬆️
„Hey I need to talk to to for a sek" he said I looked at him confused „about what?" I asked „well I just wanted to thank you for letting my sister stay with you and just in general being there for her as her brother it means a lot you're a really good friend" I blushed „ye-yeah of course" I said „look I know you like sister as more than a friend you dont need to hide it" he said „really and you're okay with it?" I asked „yeah I know if you'll ever get together that you would treat her right so yeah I'm okay with it" he said , I pulled him in for a hug we broke apart as Katara walked in

Sokka's outfit ⬆️„Hey I need to talk to to for a sek" he said I looked at him confused „about what?" I asked „well I just wanted to thank you for letting my sister stay with you and just in general being there for her as her brother it means a lot...

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Katara's Outfit ⬆️
„Wow you look beautiful" I said with a slight blush , she blushed too and said „th-thank you" sokka stuck his tounge out and we made our way to my car we were going to my house for the sleepover

Hi guys so this was the chapter sorry that it was again a bit short anyways I promise new chapters soon hope you enjoyed byeee:)

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