Sleepover part seven

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Hi guys so this is the final sleepover part honestly i didn't think it would have this many parts but anyways hope you enjoy!
Katara's POV
After I talked with suki we went back outside but I couldn't stop thinking about a certain airbender so I just sat down and watched them have fun .

After I while I felt myself zoning out and out of nowhere Aang was behind me and scared me „Boo!" he yelled „AHHH Aang don't do That" I Said as i looked at him and smiled because he was so happy that he scared me „sorry you were just zoning out and I thought I should bring you back to reality" he smiled „thanks I guess" I laughed „so what were you thinking about?" he asked no no no quick Katara think of something „oh well uhm a dream yes a dream I had last night I can't stop thinking about it hehe" i tried to play it off „cool what was your Dream about?" he asked „uuuuuhm living ...underwater?" I said feeling unsure „neat" he said „yeah...." I couldn't tell him I was day dreaming about him „I'm going to go inside to get a drink" I said wanting to be alone for a bit „sure" he said as I walked away

As I got inside I drank some water and was about to head out as I heard my phone ring , I looked at the contact name and saw . Jet. Oh no not him what does he even want but I picked up anyway for some reason
„What do want jet?" I said angrily
„Why so rude?" he said in a flirty voice
„Tell me what you want before I hang up" I said almost yelling
„I wanted to talk" he said
„About?" i asked annoyed
„About us Katara" he said now switching his tone
„What do you want to talk about we're done"I said feeling even more annoyed
„Please Katara I swear I was drunk you know I would never do that" he said
„I don't care I hate you" I said pissed
„Take me back Katara please"he pleaded
„No" I said before hanging up
As I got up to leave I saw Aang walking in „is something wrong I heard you arguing" he said „oh yeah I'm fine I just got a call nothing important" I said with a fake smile „you sure who were you even talking to?" he asked , I looked down thinking if I should tell him the truth before he said „oh I'm sorry of course you don't have to te-„ I cut him off by saying „no it's okay I was on the phone with up jet" he looked at me confused and said „jet?what does he want?" „well he said if we wanted to get back together and stuff"I said looking down „and you said no right" he said grabbing my shoulders gently , I giggled and said „of course besides there's someone else I like" with a small blush he looked confused and said „really who?" „I'm not telling you silly no one knows except suki-„ I cut myself of by placing my hand over my mouth , he smirked and said „oh really?" I a flirty voice wich made me blush „n-no that's not what I meant" before I could finish he was already running of in sukis direction great Katara good job I hope suki doesn't tell him no she wouldn't

After a while it started getting late so we all went inside but before I could go in suki pulled me aside with a huge smile on her face „why are you smiling at me like that?" I asked „oh i was smiling- anyways I have to tell you something" she begann „what is it?" I asked confused „sokka asked me to go to the movies next Saturday and I think he's gonna finally ask me out" she said full of excitement „wow suki that's great I'm really happy for you" I said truthfully „thanks now let's go inside it's kinda cold" she said and I nodded in agreement
As we got inside everyone was already on the sofa , suki sat down besides sokka and me besides Aang „should we watch a movie?" Toph asked „yeah" we all agreed „ok I'll go get the snacks" sokka said „I'll get the blankets" Aang said „I'll pick out a movie" I said as I reached for the remote ,as I was done picking out a movie sokka came and gave everyone snacks after that Aang showed up with the blankets he also gave it to everyone and finally sat down besides me as a small blush spread around my cheeks. We begann watching the movie as I begann to shiver although I had a blanket it was a bit thin for me , apparently aang noticed ans said „we can share my blanket if you want" i blushed and said „s-sure thanks" he covered me and himself with the blanket and we were practically cuddling so I blushed once more gosh I have to stop blushing so much he probably doesn't even like me I thought.

Aang's POV
After the movie was almost over everyone was already sleeping except Toph who was still watching half asleep so I got out of the couch and laid Katara's head on a pillow because she rested her head on my shoulder during the movie wich I thought was cute so I got out and went to the kitchen to drink a glass of water when all of the sudden I heard „hey" I turned around and saw Katara „oh hey Katara I thought you were asleep sorry I woke you up" I said „no you didn't wake me up I wasn't asleep in the first place I can't sleep I'm not tired" I blushed when she mentioned she wasn't asleep „if you're not tired we can watch a movie in my room if you want" I said shyly she smiled and said „sure" as she grabbed my hand and lead me upstairs

As we got to my room we both sat down on my bed and agreeded on what movie we should watch . I laid next to here and she was shivering again so I said „do you want to get under my blanket?" she blushed and I realized what I said „oh-well uhm I mean so you could warm up" now it was my turn to blush „sure" she said and we got comfortable.

Katara's POV
After the movie ended Aang was already asleep so I decided to make a move and I moved closer to him and fell asleep

Hi guys so that was the chapter a bit short but further on it gets better also sorry for updating so little it's a bit stressful but I'll try my best anyways hope you enjoyed byeeee!

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