11.) War?

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Breathing was a chore due to the fact that the girl, Christophe, Gregory, Stan Kyle, and Kenny were currently seeking refuge in a damp, dusty, catacomb-like cellar. Thankfully, from his helicopter, the Englishman had brought his first aid kit, enabling her to fix the Frenchman's eye, and other contusions. Like a child, he fussed, but the girl's nurturing side dominated the situation. Bombs, bullets,  , and screams impregnated any silence that dared to happen. The single light bulb, dangling from the ceiling, indecisively flickered. The three young men dressed as soldiers began to tell of their plan, standing upon dirt.

"You see, love," Gregory stated, holding her hand, earning a glare from Christophe, "after your rather... Fiery escape and reemergence, we took it upon ourselves to help you both. Kenneth here deduced it was the Son of the Dark Prince who sought you both. We discovered that you both entered the Vatican City by tracing the GPS in Christophe's watch-"

"You son of a bitch!"

"Anyway," Kyle intervened, "a few hours later, Gregory was flying us over there, when over the radio, Russia and North Korea suddenly declared a holy war against the Earth. Apparently, they wanted to resurrect the soldiers of the Bolshevik Revolution and of  Il-Sung's original regime. They just needed to find some document in this city! It's bullshit! There is fighting here, America, Russia, and both Korea's!"

She darkly chuckled, "Well, those faggots are fucked! We have the document!" She proudly flashed the paper, only to become as horrified as the rest of the group, realizing they were targets.

"Oh Jesus, we're fucked up the asshole!" Kenny declared, articulating with ease in the absence of his parka. She had to admit, the boys looked good in uniform. Which have rise to more questions.

"Why exactly are you dressed as soldiers, then?"

"There's a barricade," Stan explained, "nobody in the world can travel into another country. It's potentially a World War Three."

"You know what's really odd, though?" Kyle asked, "the media, Kim Jong-Un, and Putin keep calling this war 'the final chapter'. Like, they won't stop saying that."

"What are they calling this war?"

"The final chapter."

The married couple looked at each other, aghast. A burlap bag filled with rice was at her feet; she picked it up, and screamed into it. Naturally, the men were a bit confused, save for her husband. Stan wrapped an arm around her shoulders, trying to ease her distress.

"You don't get it. We caused the war!"

Her confession echoed, and ended in silence.

"Damien said if we were not careful, we'd start a war. When we were looking for the stupid document, we find a dial, messed around with it, and that opened the door that concealed the paper. It said 'the final chapter' in Latin! That asshole! That was the only way to open the door! He knew this wound happen! Why the Hell would he do that?!" She stood in a rage, only to be brought to the Mole's lap. His hand held her mouth;

"Well, we should 'ave seen this coming. He's next in line to be the ruler of the underworld. The fact that the punk even warned us was odd. There's got to be an angle in all of this." 

He saw how tense Stan was from seeing his sister retained against his frame; she began to play with the Mole, grinding ever so slowly. Looking into his eyes, she saw that infamous dark glint of house profession settle on; coming home, he brought the Mole with him, at least for a little while. Never did he return tamed, even emotionally. She loved Christophe, lusted the Mole. But he could be horrifying. His love for her was still evident, though. He roughly kissed her neck as she closed her eyes, smiled, and moaned. Grabbing the back of his hair while grabbing her breast, their free hands traveled down to her crotch. He rubbed her erogenous zone as she held his strong, bruised hand. Before Stan could burst out in his anger, and Kenny could try to masturbate, Gregory smacked his sinister and perverse friend:

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