24.) There's a New Sheriff in Town

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"Stop being such a baby. You are the coolest fucking person in the world. And if not the world, my world."

"Don't patronize me!"

She fastened the tie through her collar. Of his many tan and identical shirts she tailored some to hug her body. Truth be told, she lost the baby weight and then some, becoming fit going about the gigantic house all day, sometimes chasing Josephine, who was running into her twenty-first month. Her pants were just as snug, also fitting nicely. Not to be narcissistic, but she checked herself out in the mirror after tying her hair into a ponytail (having been growing it since her pregnancy), and putting on his aviators given to him by Gregory. The nightstick was hey favorite accessory out of many.

She looked fucking hot and cool.

"I'm not. Here's a history lesson; you escaped a fucking third world European prison on your seventeenth birthday. You drift your mustang better than professionals. You snorted angel dust, and ended up pushing a pick up truck to run over a bunch of guys after it died. You saved me from a tiger pit, faced your cynophobia with fucking wolves, got us out with a helicopter, and are currently living with one of those wolves! That's a mere snowflake on the tip of the iceberg that is you."

He sighed, but suddenly darkly grinned. With her standing as he sat upon their bed, his eyes garnered morbid hues to hey view. She began massaging his shoulders, which he appreciated, groaning a bit. Truth be told he was apprehensious about letting her take executive power at his prison, but she assured him she would be safe. That, and his employees wouldn't dare allow harm to come her way, lest they be suicidal. Besides, assuming she'd die was a stretch.

"Who's gonna be after me if I do die?" She teased, tossling his hair.

"Don't fuck around!"

"That's right-there's nobody after me. Same goes for you."

"I'd die."

"You'd better not! You're taking care of Josephine!"

"Don't make me speak of such nightmares I face daily!"

The kiss upon his forehead calmed him even if it didn't externalize. She scolded him about getting worked up. Instinctively he went for cigarettes, though his pocket was empty, and he was aware of it in hindsight of being told to quit tobacco. And they wanted him not to get tense? In exchange for the nicotene she offered him a joint, which he begrudgingly lit. She then laid him down a bit.

"Now honey, please try to go easy on mom. She's doing us a huge favor."

"I can deal vith 'er, it's your fucking dad I want to kill."

She sighed, knowing where he was coming from. Sharon staying was one thing, but Randy utterly trusted refused to maintain the house without his wife's instructions. It was more or less pragmatic in his mind to stay over along with his wife. At least Stan was moved out, making this have zero affect on him. Her watch beeped.

"Better go. Please, behave yourself. I love you."

She kissed his head before leaving the bedroom and greeting her mother in the kitchen. Josephine was present, sitting upon the table and playing with a few stuffed animals. The babe's hair had greatly reddened over the months, and her eyes were so uniquely hazel they appeared golden. Christophé mentioned that his mother had naturally redder hair she colored brown. The beautiful child made her mother cry as she held her. She apologized for being so dramatic.

"I cried when I left Shelley and Stanely for the first time. Don't worry about it."

Kissing her baby goodbye, she left the house and set course for jail. Sharon was nervous. She had never spent real alone time with her son-in-law, and she correctly percieved him to be dangerous. All she really had to do was feed him thrice each day, and make sure he didn't up and die. The other objective was Josephine. Said child began crying, though not obnoxiously.

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