9.) Highway to Hell (But They're Taking a Shortcut)

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"This is really nice of you, honey, thank you."

He sighed and rolled his eyes.

"Yes, thank you, Christophe," Sharon agreed.

They were in a mixed company of the Marsh family, and friends Kyle Broflovski and Kenny McCorkmick. The young mercenary instructed the girl to invite the most intimate people in her heart to dinner at their house. She whipped up a roast with comfort food side dishes, offering hearty portions. He never gave a legitimate answer as to why he wanted to host a meal for people he was more or less indifferent toward?

The truth was that the calloused young man intended to propose to the girl that very night. Before they sat down to eat, he held a private conversation with her parents to seek their blessing. Naturally, they were wary on entrusting him with their child's life and happiness. He looked both of them dead in their eyes and sincerely vowed that he would die that very moment if it guaranteed she would never feel an ounce of sorrow. They broke down and consented to his proposal. He shook both of their hands and thanked them. Now, the parents had to contain the excitement.

"I ask that you leave me and 'er alone for a moment."

"It's my sister's house and she invited us, get lost."

He used his good leg to kick the top of the table and send it to the floor. When the young couple was completely alone, he motioned for her to sit on his lap. She gingerly applied her weight on his thigh, trying not to instigate his injuries. He made various sounds with his breath and looked around the room in a futile measure to calm his nerves.

"You okay? Need some medicine?" She asked, pulling her bowl from her pocket.

"Non, merci. It's... Fuck it, marry me."

He whipped the diamond ring from his front pocket. Nausea she momentarily felt grossly understated the utter astonishment she felt. Tears polluted her face as she smiled like a fool. The young mercenary had to place the jewel on her finger for her.

"Chris... Is this real?"

"Don't be an idiot."

She could not stop turning her head to her ring, then to her lover. After announcing their quick engagement and impending midnight marriage, the guests all left to set up the pond with chairs, flowers and roll out carpet so she could formally be walked down the isle. While their benevolent friends did that, the young couple were showing each other a bit of love.

"You're lucky I am ambidextrous, belle."

"Oh, so lucky." Her brow furrowed as her grip on their couch tightened.

"I love it when you quiver. I wish to see it more." He curled his digits towards him, making her moan.

"Why didn't we do this sooner?" She smiled, eyes closed.

He kissed her neck, "You just wait until tonight."

His thumb paid attention to her distended clitoris. She moaned more loudly, until opening her eyes exposed a pair of foreign boots at the top of the stairs. Thankfully, they were fully clothed, as he was simply using his skilled hands to tease and please her pussy. She got up from the fun and caught Gregory at the top. Yelling, she demanded him down, and he reluctantly agreed. They sat on the couch, Frenchman in between them. She socked him in the stomach, then took the phone out of his front pocket.

"Hold him!"

As Gregory struggled against the still injured Christophe, she unlocked his phone by debunking a password of four consecutive zeros. Going through his photographs, she was not at all surprised when she found naked pictures of herself. Deleting every one, she punched him in the eye as forcefully as she could before returning it to him and demanding that he get to the pond before she did worse. As he opened the door, he found Wendy merely seconds from knocking on it herself. Passing each other awkwardly, Stan followed her in, holding a bagged hanger behind his back.

"Hey, guys," Stan said, "we only have two hours before midnight. Everything's set up, now we just have to get you guys ready. Do you have your clothes?"

"About that, brother, I got engaged not even a few hours ago. In the midst of the chaos, we forgot to get fitted for my dress and his tux."

"Oh yeah, mom wants you to wear her dress if you don't have one."

"Really? That's a big thing... Is she sure?" She nearly cried.

"It's her dream."

With that, the girl went upstairs get ready, while Stan and Christophe left to get to the pond, deciding to change in the car, although with a cast, limited bending ability, and twisted ankle it proved to be difficult.

Only a half an hour remained before validation. Gregory stood behind Christophe as the best man. The girl hadn't prepared a bridesmaid, so she asked her sister to help fill the role. Kyle and Kenny begrudgingly spread flowers and petals around and within the vicinity of the ceremony area. Sharon truly outdid herself, although having a florist cousin took a fair amount of work out of it. A bed of every flower imaginable stood as tall as Christophe at the apex, then symmetrically declined in a cylindrical fashion until they meet the ground, an opening of the feet seen. Randy had supplied the liquor, which he already found his way to. Along with being a makeshift bartender, he took the opportunity to be the cameraman. Stan simply sat and glared at the man who was to marry the only sister he actually cared about. He walked up to the Frenchman;

"Look, dude, I can't talk her out of this, so you gotta promise me you'll never hurt her or let anything happen to her."

"Do you think I 'ave any incentive to cause 'er any pain? Not even God can touch 'er as long as I am around."

"You better be right, dude."

Before he could rebut, Wendy's car pulled in a few yards from where they were, in the parking lot. Wendy shot a glance to the excited young woman, who was in happy disbelief; she truly did not believe that she was about to get married. The silence and the star polluted sky made love while earnest hearts awaited for the bride's emergence. She stood at the beginning of the isle as Wendy raced to her spot next to Stan. Everybody, especially Christophe, was astounded by her beauty.

Randy stumbled over to her and took her arm into his, zooming in on her face, which soured after smelling his whisky soaked breath.

"Dad, you reek of booze. I guess I'm proud."

They walked down the ten-foot isle and he left her, taking a seat behind the bar, earning a glare from his wife, who stood behind her daughter. The girl took Christophe's good hand and smiled into his heart and mind. He lightly grinned back, a bit unconformable with the modest crowd. But he was able to cancel them out with his pure love for her. He spoke;

"As you know, I abhor everybody. I 'ave never felt a single ounce of compassion for anything in my entire life. If I could painlessly murder us all, then zhere would be no more children crying to a deaf God up above. I do not know vhat happy truly means. But you..... I do love you. You do know that I vill die before I ever allow anything to 'arm you. Je't aime."

His watch alarm went off when his soliloquy ceased, announcing midnight. She squealed for a second before kissing her new husband. Damn, it was too surreal for them both. The audience cheered. Suddenly, in the middle of their kiss, the flowers that surrounded them went aflame. The ground shook with force, and the once clear sky became polluted with dark clouds fostering lightning strikes. Next to the ashes of the flowers arose a small twister of fire, the ground below burning a hole that resulted in more fire. Above it, there was a young man with dark hair, light, Aryan skin, and flamming irises residing in his eyes. The lovely man wickedly smirked;

"Of this mortal plane, I seek thee who is furthest removed from God."

He grabbed the young mercenary's shoulder, and, while the girl kept her grip on him tight, took them with him back through the hole, taking the traces of his visit with him, and leaving the group confused, devastated, and alone.

"Jimbo's never gonna believe this!" He checked the camera, only to find there was no film inside. "Oh Jesus, no!"

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