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Third person's pov

Celena was being carried comfortably on king flavian's arms as she has his black buttoned up shirt on her

She couldn't utter a word due to shock

She remembered dying just a moment ago

Did her soul transfer to someone else?

Whose voice was that she heard?

And more importantly, did they manage to save her child?

Her eyes watered when she thought about her unborn child, she learned to love the life that was starting to form inside her.

She unknowingly slide a hand down to place it over her now flat stomach before clutching it longingly which made Flavian raise his eyebrow in confusion.

He was carrying her inside his palace while his arms are wrapped protectively around her delicate figure.


'After decades of waiting, I finally have someone to call mine' he thought

Both corners of his pale lips lifted up to form into what looked like a small smile

He could hear the surprise gasps of the servants and people around the palace .

The first reason is seeing their king smile after a very long time, everyone knew him to be the ruthless king of vampires after losing his parents to the war that took place decades ago.

The second is the woman on his arms, sure the king must have mistresses or even a harem of his own but he never let himself get shown in public with any of the women except his sister.

'Who is she?'

' The king is holding a girl!'

' She must be an addition to his harem'

Celena snapped out of her thoughts as she heard the whimpers along the grande hallway making her lean in and bury her face against the king's now bare and masculine chest in embarrassment

'I'm going to clear everything up when we have time together. I already had a mate and it's impossible to have another one ' she thought to herself to which she nodded

The king looked down at her in amusement as she moved her head before tightening his arms around her as he went up the grand and huge stairways of the castle with her in his arms.

'I should mark her the moment we arrive on our room, I have waited too long for this' he thought.

Celena peeked over his lean shoulders to have a good look at the -

Her thought interrupted by her own gasp of shock

'Im in a castle!' She panicked inwardly as she struggled to get out of his arms.

'Oh God, he must be a royalty. That explains why he got all the attention the moment he walked in. Although he's too young to be a king, that must mean he's a prince or something'

"Don't move" his cold voice made her froze as she could feel shivers run down her spine making her arch her back slightly

'I shouldn't feel like this. I already had a mate. '

She didn't notice him stop in front of a huge double doors

She lifted her head up to stare at the wide room as he took her inside, her eyes wandering around instantly in amazement

She has never seen a room so manly and dark, ofcourse Marcus and her share the same room but Marcus is the kind of guy that prefers white or lighter colors over black .

She was so busy complimmenting the really really huge and cozy room that she didn't notice him lying her down on his soft bed

She stiffened yet again as she felt his warm breath over her neck, making her feel goosebumps all over

She quickly held a hand up to place it over his chest so she could put some distance between them before she pushed him away slightly.

"H-hey look, we need to talk first. I can't be your mate , i- " he cut her off with a harsh glare as he placed his hands over her waist before leaning down again to bury his face over her neck.

"First of all-" her voice sent shivers down her spine making her arch her back slightly which just confused her even more as she only felt things like these with Marcus before. "Yes, I am your mate . And don't try to stop me from marking you because you can't possibly do that. I've waited decades for you so there's no way I'm letting you go" he finished with his voice hinted with authority while he's staring down at her intensely

She held her breath as she felt his gaze burning holes through her making her heart beat erotically

"Y-you need to understand, this is impossible I already had a mat- "

She gasped and couldn't continue what she's about to say as she felt his hand over her neck, his long and cold fingers wrapped around her neck softly as he made sure his hold would not be strong enough to choke her

She could see his eyes turned into a deeper shade of red until it's almost black as she felt her lower lip trembled with fright


His voice cold and emotionless as she placed her hand over his wrists, afraid for her own life.

"This must be a misunderstanding, I died moments ago and woke up in this body I don't even know. This isn't mine, I was pregnan- "

His grip tightened slightly around her just enough to make her cough out uncomfortably but not enough to choke her

"What made you think I'll believe you? You are MY Mate. and if you think this would stop me from marking you then you're dead wrong"

Her eyes widened at what he said before she tried to pathetically take his grip off her.

His gaze softened as he saw her struggling under him making him take his hand back and lean down to bury his face against her neck again.

He inhaled her scent in deeply making him growl slightly in delight as her scent alone calmed him down

"I- my name is Celena " she mumbled out breathlessly as she placed her hands down to grip the sheets instead, afraid of what he would do next if she tried to push him away

She felt him froze above her, which should have meant he knew her

The room went quiet for 4 minutes straight before she felt him pull away, laughing out loudly with his head rolled back as if she said the funniest joke

She could only knit her eyebrows in confusion as she didn't know what he found funny

"Heh- funny. Ofcourse you're not. You can't be that prick's mate. She died just.hours...ago" he trailed off as realization hit him making his eyes snap back at her as quickly as his smile fade

"Tell me you're joking" he said seriously in his usual cold voice

She just bit her lower lip in guilt as she shook her head softly, feeling bad for the man as she knew she unintentionally gave him false hopes.

"Well, fuck that. You're mine now"

Before she could even understand what he said, he bent down to and bury his face against her neck as his sharp fangs dug against her flesh .

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