
22 1 0

The voices of glasses shattering, things breaking, the king's powerful voice and the servants heavy breathing filled the room as Kai threw whatever he got his hand on against the wall, shattering the expensive vases to pieces. 

"WHERE IN THE HELL IS SHE? IF SOMETHING BAD HAPPENS TO HER I AM SO GONNA RUIN EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU" He almost howled , rubbing a hand over his face furiously before moving it up to brush the dark strands of his raven black hair black  

The meeting was supposed to be 2 hours long, but he couldn't stop worrying and missing her so he cut it short to 30 minutes. 

And he came back to this, cold, huge palace that seemed empty without her around. 

The only thing that's keeping him 'calm' at the moment is the fact that he doesn't feel anything strange. Since he marked her then they'll be connected for all eternity, so he would feel whenever she's hurt .

And he hasn't felt anything like those through their bond yet, and he hope he never will. 

A light, pitter patter of steps made him halt his further need for rampage . 

The moment her scent wafted through the air and fill the room, a grin was drawn on his face. Like he didn't do anything that made the servants almost shit their pants. Their heavy sigh of relief caused Astrid to stare at them in confusion, but her face was buried against Kai's chest when he appeared infront of her, not even a second later which didn't give her enough time to get startled. 

"Astrid, baby..." He mumbled longingly and enveloped her in a tight, warm hug with his arms protectively wrapped around her waist. 

" I was just looking around- ...wait what happened?" She tried to tilt her head up with great difficulty when he has her face pressed against his chest, to look up at him in question

" I came back back.. -" He cut his own sentence halfway as he stared down at her affectionately, placing his hand on her lower back to pull her impossibly closer which got her front all flushed against his. 

Her eyes widened in embarrassment at his actions before moving her hand up to poke his chin in panic while her eyes wandered around the place, heat creeping up her neck to her cheeks to draw a lovely shade of pink as she saw the servants watching them with their eyes wide in shock and disbelief. 

"Let go.. I need air" 

She whined softly which he just grinned to, in response. He then loosened his arms around her, just giving her the chance to put a little distance between them without letting her pull away completely as he bend down to her height before staring directly into her eyes with an even wider grin . 

"No, you need me.." 

She gasped and smacked his chest slightly, an idea coming to mind. If he wont let her go, shouldn't she just slide down with his arms around her to loosen his grip before stepping away? 

That's it! 

She had a cheeky grin while staring up at him which caused him to get suspicious, quickly putting her idea to action she suddenly dropped down on her knees as he was too shock to hold her in place. 

But something unexpected happen, something she regretted. 

You see, when she dropped down, her light grey hair got tangled with the zipper of his pants and it got her stuck because she couldn't pull away . Literally could not. 

"Ow.." She hissed in pain while her pale fingers were threaded between the locks of her hair to rub her scalp soothingly.

She moved her hand up  to quickly fiddle with the zipper of his pants, she tried to untangle her hair away . After a few tries which led to failure, she glanced up at him in confusion. 

Why isn't he helping her ? 

And he stood there, frozen with wide eyes staring down at her in disbelief. His lips parted agape at the sight before him. 

He'd gone so long without the touch or pleasure of a woman, and he normally wouldn't be affected. 

But it's a different case. 

It was his mate. On her knees. For him. 

He knew he shouldn't rush things but the scene in front of him gave him sinful thoughts. 

Meanwhile, Astrid's eyes widened at the sudden realization. 

She was married with Marcus, and werewolves were known to be very warm blooded. And although Marcus is the only man she had been with, they had 'tried' alot of things so she wasn't very naive when it comes to these things. 

After all, how did they make their baby? 

Astrid gasp and pulled her head back in an attempt to put some distance between them, momentarily forgetting her hair tangled with the zipper of his pants which led to him getting pulled forward. 

Both of them stiffened when his bulge brushed ever so lightly against her lips which were lightly parted open. 

Kai knew very well that if vampires can blush, his face would be as red as a tomato. Or as red as hers at the moment. 

In the moment of panic, Astrid moved her hand forward again to nervously try to pull her hair and cut the few strands, but her knuckles brushed over the tent on his pant again and it was him who hissed this time. 

Without further ado, Kai moved down to grab her by her arms and pulled her back to her feet . Pulling her back in to envelope her in a tight hug with him hunched forward slightly to had his face buried against the crook of her neck. 

She shuddered at the sudden coldness of his skin coming in contact with hers and her first reaction was to squirm and try to pull away from his arms. 

"Stay still.." He growled huskily into her ear which made her stiffen almost instantly and nod her head like an idiot she is. 

Gosh, why do i always have to embarrass myself like this? She thought . 

He only hummed in satisfaction when she didn't do anything to pull away from him again. 

They just stood there for a few minutes while he run his fingers through her soft hair as he tried to calm himself. 

Astrid tilted her head slightly to let her eyes wander around the place, gasping softly when she noticed all the broken vases and things around. 

Those shattered glasses could really hurt someone.  She nodded after she told herself to search for something that'll clean up the mess later. 

But those thoughts came flying through the window the moment she realized something. 

Where are the servants? There were more than 10 around this room earlier..

Did they leave after seeing them in such a compromising position? What did they thing they were gonna do ? 

Gosh.. She facepalmed 

Kai pulled away slightly when he felt her sudden movement. He then raised an eyebrow when he saw her all flustered. 

He placed just enough distance between them so he could move his hand down to remove the remaining strands of her hair that was stuck on his zipped, holding it up to take a closer look after a moment with a dismayed look in his face. 

"Your hair..." He mumbled, almost sadly. He loves every part of her already, and her hair , even just a few strands, is not an exception. 

"hey, its okay.. it's just hair.." She gently tapped his back to comfort him despite the embarrassment she felt 

"it's your hair.." He grunted in disappointment. 

Astrid just stood there, staring up at him in bewilderment . 

Is this royalty really whining right now? because of a few strands of hair ? 

As if reading her mind, he turned to glare at her playfully then repeated his words. 

"it's your hair.." He said in a 'duh' tone. Emphasizing the word 'your' as if it would make sense this time.. 

Astrid nodded her head in understanding although she was far from understanding what happened, then shrugged her shoulders slightly.. 

"oh...kay. uhm, wanna help me clean up? " 

"No, definitely not. The glasses are too sharp, these are too dangerous for you " 


"Have you seen the library?" He cut of her off, which caused her eyes to widen in shock, then excitement. 

"Show me.!" She grabbed his hands and pulled him out of the room, standing behind his taller figure once they're back in the hallway before placing her hands over his lower back to push him forward. 

He wouldn't budge, but after a few pushing and grunting from Astrid as she tried her very best to push him, he finally took a few steps, chuckling to himself at how adorable his little Astrid is. 

Meanwhile, he had dropped the strands of hair that was stuck on his zipper when Astrid grabbed his hand to usher him outside. 

A shadow loomed over the light grey strands that had dropped down on the cold marbled floor, reaching for the strands and sliding it inside the leather pouch that has a seal written on it. 

The figure walked towards the balcony, tying the pouch securely around the Raven's leg. 

The Raven only tilted its neck to stare at the person with one eye , the enigmatic person didn't even indicate that she was shocked or startled in any way when another eye opened between the crow's eyes .It squawked before shaking to flaunt its wide wings open before finally taking off .. 

..towards the direction of the other kingdom. 

ReincarnatedDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora